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Wayfinder Is Getting Review Bombed Days After Launch



Once billed as the World of Warcraft killer, fresh-faced MMORPG Wayfinder has suddenly found itself under the thumb of millions of angry players, all of whom have flocked to Steam to share their thoughts on its disastrous launch.

To put it out there — Wayfinder isn’t a bad game. If anything, it’s actually a really good game, and definitely one that checks all the appropriate boxes as far as modern MMOs go. However, due to its server issues, which have caused most, if not every player to be ejected from the session after spending several hours waiting in queues, those positive qualities have sadly found their ways to the bottom of the barrel.

At the time of writing, Wayfinder has a disappointingly low 31% score on Steam, which technically makes it one of the worst-rated MMORPGs of 2023. And it’s a shame, too, because the gameplay and mechanics themselves are actually quite classy, and not to mention bursting with variations of characters, classes, and abilities to load up on. But as it turns out, quite a lot of fans won’t be able to see it in all its glory, what with queue times being several hours long.

What Happens Next?

The good news is, developer Airship Syndicate has already posted an update on the matter. Well, it’s more of an apology than anything. That said, in light of everything, the team will now be looking to make amends and tweak the servers over the next several weeks. So that’s a start.

“Yesterday sucked. There is no other way to say it. It sucked for people who purchased Founder’s Packs and couldn’t play, and it sucked for us to see players unable to get into the game after believing in us and our vision,” reads the post-launch letter.

“Early Access isn’t a crutch,” it continues. “It’s a conversation between a studio and the community that’s helping build the game alongside the studio. We said from the start that we’d be transparent and open with the community and that continues now that we have players entrusting us with their money, and us failing to deliver.”

“Currently the game’s login queue is functioning. Sitting in a queue isn’t actually being in-game and playing, but it’s allowing a trickle of players in as we continue to up capacity across all regions and that has been successful. We’ll continue to make optimizations to the queue and servers in the coming days and weeks until all players are in and playing.”

You can get your hands on an Early Access copy of Wayfinder on PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam. Here’s hoping you can have your ticket punched, and not thrown to the back of a queue of 7,000.


So, what’s your take? Did you manage to catch a glimpse of Wayfinder? Let us know your thoughts over on our socials here.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.