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5 Best Adventure Games on PlayStation Plus (July 2024)

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Adventuring in Moonlighter.

July has been a fantastic time for adventure titles on PlayStation Plus. The service has seen the addition, as well as the rediscovery of many great titles. These games tap into a core sense of freedom and adventure inherent in all games. Among these titles, there are games that manage to push the envelope on the genre. To showcase some of the best that adventure games have to offer, enjoy our picks for the 5 Best Adventure Games on PlayStation Plus.

5. Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

Monster Boy - Gameplay Trailer | PS4

The first entry on our list of the best adventure games on PlayStation Plus is Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. This game manages not only to encapsulate its fantasy world perfectly but also to do so in an inventive way. The world of the game is undoubtedly at the forefront of what makes this title so memorable. However, rather than rest on its laurels, the game also offers the player phenomenal gameplay to go hand-in-hand with its imaginative world. This ensures that there is always plenty to discover within the game.

For fans of the action-adventure genre, this is a title that is well worth checking out. The game's mechanical depth in regards to its combat is undoubtedly reason enough to give it a try. However, if you wish to delve further into the game, the characters and narrative are rich, which manages to leave a lasting impression throughout your time with the game. All in all, Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is one of the best adventure games on PlayStation Plus.

4. The Gardens Between

The Gardens Between - Story Trailer | PS4

Our next entry is an example of a beautifully artful title. Here, we have The Gardens Between. As far as adventure games go, there are many forms that they take. In the case of The Gardens Between, players will be transported through incredibly vibrant and almost dream-like environments. In doing so, they will slowly come to grips with the world around them, exploring each island to their heart's content. This is not only an interesting and intriguing way to introduce the player to the fantasy concepts of the game, but it is an effective tool as well.

The player finds themselves thrust into a story that feels deep and connective, with emotive moments that stick with them far after the credits roll. Also, it is in how the characters interact, both with themselves and the world around them, that this title truly shines. The puzzle mechanics of the game serve not only to deepen the world and the game's mechanics but also to engage the player. All around, The Gardens Between is one of the best adventure games available on PlayStation Plus.

3. The Long Dark

The Long Dark: Crossroads Elegy - Launch Trailer | PS4

We are taking quite a turn with our next entry. Here, we have The Long Dark. This game manages to take the framework of the survival game and allows the player to write their own story surrounding it. As players try to survive, they will slowly have to come to grips with the world around them. This not only allows for emergent moments but also allows the player to script their own unique narratives surrounding their gameplay. In addition to this, the game's emphasis on exploration mechanics rewards the player while also testing them.

Learning which routes to take, how to survive, and much more becomes almost a part of the journey itself, which is wonderful. Aiding in this is the game's decisive lack of hand-holding mechanics. This not only serves to deepen the player's connection with their character but also reinforces the themes of survival and adventure presented throughout the game. To close, if you are searching for one of the best adventure games on PlayStation Plus, give The Long Dark a try.

2. Moonlighter

Moonlighter | Official Launch Trailer

For the next entry on our list, here we have Moonlighter. For players who are fans of old-school adventure titles, this game should scratch a particular itch for you. If you are a fan of roguelike replayability and adventure titles, this game has you covered. The game not only allows the player to be a brave adventurer but also a humble shop clerk. This juxtaposition not only makes the game stand out but feeds into its core gameplay loop as well. Players are able to collect items throughout their adventures, which they, in turn, can sell.

This not only rewards the player for pressing on to the next dungeon but also rewards them in a way that feels meaningful in a multitude of ways. The game features enemy and boss mechanics that also stand, for many, at the top of the adventure genre, which is marvelous. In addition to this, the game manages to encapsulate the feeling of adventure with risk and reward throughout. In closing, Moonlighter is one of the best adventure games on PlayStation Plus.

1. MediEvil

MediEvil - Launch Trailer | PS4

Our final entry will undoubtedly be a blast from the past for many players. Here, we have MediEvil. This game, through its distinctly cartoonish art style and memorable dialogue, has become fond in the hearts of many. This is due not only to the quality of the adventure that players undertake in the game but also the solidity of that adventure and how it holds up today. As players make their way through the game, they will encounter fearsome foes, perilous puzzles, and much more. This not only varies the gameplay but deepens the journey as a whole while doing so.

The game's visuals have been lovingly recreated, giving them a level of polish that many players had imagined years ago. Also, the game features some of the most humorous and entertaining dialogue on our list today. The environmental design is something else that deserves high praise for this adventure title as well. Regardless of whether you are new to the game or grew up with it, MediEvil remains one of the best adventure games and certainly one of the best on PlayStation Plus.

So, what's your take on our picks for the 5 Best Adventure Games on PlayStation Plus? Do you agree with our picks? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

Judson Holley is a writer that began his career as a ghostwriter. Returning to the mortal coil  to work among the living. With some of his favorite games being tactical FPS games such as Squad and the Arma series. Although this could not be further from the truth as he enjoys games with deep stories such as the Kingdom Hearts series as well as Jade Empire and The Knights of the Old Republic series. When not attending to his wife, Judson often tends to his cats. He also has a knack for music mainly composing for and playing piano.