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Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown – Best Tips for Beginners

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Sargon in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

At first, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown can seem quite straightforward. After a few hours of playing, though, sweat will likely begin to dribble down your face. But that shouldn’t stop you from making the most of your experience. See, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is a Metroid-like adventure, which means you'll want to unlock new abilities as you progress. These can take some time to master, but that's where we come in with our Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown – best tips for beginners’ guide.

5. Experiment with Amulets and Athra Surges

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown All Amulet Locations

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown’s neat way of customizing your playstyle is by equipping amulets on your necklace. You only have a limited number of amulet slots. With over 30 amulets in the game and only three slots at the start, you’ll need to keep an eye out for the best ones that match your playstyle. To get you started, here are some of the best amulets you’ll want to seek out and upgrade first.

  • Will of Rostam – It increases the attack power of your standard sword attacks. Swordplay makes up a major part of combat, so empowering your sword strikes makes all the difference in battle.
  • Shield of Mithra – It makes it so that every time you perform a successful parry, it creates a time bubble within which all enemies move in slow motion. Upgrade the amulet, and you can increase the size of the time bubble. 
  • White Peacock – It allows you to fire three arrows in a wider sweep instead of just one. Initially, your bow and arrow only stun enemies. However, with White Peacock equipped, you can lay waste to enemies from a distance.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown offers far more amulets. So, make sure to peruse each one and find the best combination that works for you. You’ll need to complete quests, explore treasure chests and defeat bosses to gather up as many amulets as you can. 

Furthermore, you’ll also unlock ten unique Athra Surges during your playthrough. However, you can only equip two and three later on. Athra Surges offer immense benefits, including restoring health and gaining attack and damage buffs. So, be sure to charge up your Athra meter by parrying and dealing damage. Then, mix and match different amulets and Athra Surges to find the perfect loadout for you.

4. Follow the Wak-Wak Golden Leaves Breadcrumb Trail

How to Find Wak-Wak Trees - Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

In exploration games, you cannot do without a checkpoint. It’s your resting point where you can restore your health and any spent resources, including weapons. You can switch out your loadout (amulets and Athra Surges) and upgrade your gear. It’s also where you respawn when you die, keeping in mind that enemies will respawn, too. 

While checkpoints can be hard to find in Metroidvanias, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown makes it easy for you by leaving behind a breadcrumb trail of golden leaves. So, look out for golden leaves floating about in the wind. Spot them, and you know a resting point lies just up ahead.

3. Master Your Parry and Dodges, Too

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown How to Defeat AZHDAHA Boss Fight

Parries and dodges are the two crucial moves to avoiding taking in damage. But they require being able to predict when the enemy will strike and, consequently, parrying or dodging on time. Fortunately, the Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown throws out a signal for you. Look out for a white, yellow, or red glow just before an attack. 

White means you can successfully parry the attack. Yellow, on the other hand, means you can successfully parry the attack and instantly kill the enemy or deal devastating damage to bosses. However, if you see a red glow just before an attack, it means you cannot parry it. Instead, you must dodge.

2. Memory Shards Can Make All the Difference

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - Lost In Mount Qar: Memory Shards Tutorial: Capture Images on Map

As is typical of Metroidvanias, sometimes you’ll branch out to a section of the map that’s currently out of reach. These sections usually have a stashed-away treasure chest or item that you currently lack the required item or ability to unlock. So, typically, you’re forced to log that spot in memory, continue exploring, and hope memory serves once you acquire the required key. But with Metroidvanias often having vast, intertwining levels, it’s easy to forget places. Lucky for you, the Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown solves that problem using memory shards.

Memory Shards allow you to take a screenshot of an inaccessible location and pin it to the map. Then, you can keep exploring, and when you find the key that unlocks the area, you can fast-travel your way back to unlock the loot. Memory shards make all the difference in avoiding unnecessary backtracking, especially if you’re a completionist. It’s such a useful feature, in fact, that, hopefully, future Metroidvanias will implement the same.

1. As Always, Heed to All Side Quests

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown All Side Quests Locations

Scooping up as many items and rewards as possible feels like an innate Metroidvania experience, or any game for that matter. It allows you to access new abilities and use in-game currency to buy new gear and upgrades. The same case applies in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, where you’ll run into various NPCs who offer you different side quests. 

You’ll encounter nine unique side quests throughout your journey on Mount Oaf. While they vary in difficulty, each one offers rewards like powerful amulets, health boosts, time crystals, Xerxes coins, and more. So, make sure to accept all of them. 

Thereafter, you can use rewards to progress. Crystals are the main currency in the game, which you can use to upgrade your weapons and potions at The Mage or Kaheva the Blacksmith. In turn, gear and amulets help to improve your combat and platforming skills down the road. 

So, what’s your take? Do you agree with our Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown – Best Tips for Beginners? Are there more tips we should know about? Let us know your thoughts over on our socials here.

Evans I. Karanja is a freelance writer who loves to write about anything technology. He is always on the lookout for interesting topics, and enjoys writing about video games, cryptocurrency and blockchain and more. When not writing, he can be found playing video games or watching F1.