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ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom – Everything We Know




Fans of the 2021 Metroidvania game, Ender Lilies Quietus of the Knights, have something to look forward to in 2024. And what can better than a sequel to the 2D RPG? Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist was among the titles announced in the latest Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase. The game is set to land on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and PC in 2024. Perhaps the developers are currently all about rustling up the title. They are yet to announce the full release date but fans can catch the early access action on March 25.

But from the Nintendo Switch trailer, we can tell the game and its environment largely mimics its sequel. So, if you loved Lords of the Fallen or Blasphemous 2, you are in for a similar or even better experience if we can speculate a little further. But let’s cut the guesswork. If you’re keen to learn what Binary Haze Interactive plans to publish later in the years, here is everything we know about Ender Magnolia: Bloom.

What is Ender Magnolia: Bloom?

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist - Announcement Trailer -

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist is a side-scrolling Metroidvania game from Adglobe and Live Wire. It comes as a sequel to the 2021 Ender Lilies, and like this original, it is a 2D RPG video game with dark souls elements. The main protagonist does not engage in combat. Rather, Lilac exorcizes the people around her from the toxic vapors. The game is all about unraveling the mysteries surrounding the land that is in chaos following a resource-harvesting mission gone wrong.

Your task is to save the land by delving into its dangers and defeating scary creatures. These monstrosities take on the form of goblins armed with chainsaws and cannonball-firing corpses. Fortunately, you’ll be playing as Lilac, the ‘Attuner’ with spirits and machines that fight the creatures in your stead.



Many video game developers love to change the storyline in a series. The reason for this could be to add to the thrill or introduce more arousing gameplay features in sequels. With Adglobe and Live Wire, the storyline continues. While they choose a different title, it’s an outright continuation of the original game’s story. Ender Lilies takes place right in the middle of the accursed rain with no end of it in sight. The sequel follows in the same storyline, although the events are pretty much ahead of the time, decades after the calamity. 

In the mystical powers-filled Land of Fumes, a new quest to conquer the land begins. New artificial life forms, the Homunculi, are created and are on standby to execute the king’s orders. A resource-amassing mission then backfires, resulting in toxic vapors emerging from beneath the earth. With the help of the spirits and machine buddies, defeat the Homunculi creatures, and purify the infected to save the kingdom.


Enemies in gameplay

Dive into the tale of destruction and renewal in Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist. In the Land of Fumes, play as Lilac, the main protagonist in the land filled with artificial life forms. Here, you will reluctantly bond with these artificial creatures while journeying along the Homunculus. All in a mission to save the poor and powerless lives trapped below the surface after the magic beneath became corrupted. 

But the journey below isn’t an ordinary rush down a dull path. You will encounter a series of rampaging Homunculi, but once you liberate them, they join you in the adventure as your companion. Move along with the Homunculi and enjoy their defense against the lunging carcasses, goblins attacking with chainsaws and cannon-ball firing bodies. You will also be turning the enemy bosses into your allies to acquire their powers and add up to 30 abilities to your combat. Explore the deepest corners of the kingdom, and gather lore, HP, strength, and armor upgrades to boost your odds of survival. 



Like the prequel, Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist is an Adglobe and Live Wire creation and will still be published by the Japanese video game publisher Binary Haze Interactive. The three video game companies are headquartered in Tokyo, and are majorly known for their installation, Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights

Although Ender Magnolia’s release date is yet to be announced, the trio appears to be piecing up their upcoming title pretty fast. The first announcement came on February 21st for Switch, but they’ve now announced that they are adding PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, and PC versions. 


ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the mist - Reveal Trailer - Nintendo Switch

Pending the early access, fans have an announcement trailer that shows what Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist will look like. The 1:14 trailer brings back Lilie’s somber mood but with some fresh compositions. But do we need to add all the details? You can look up the announcement trailer on the game’s official site or on its Steam page.

Release Date & Platforms

Platforms and release information

To wrap up everything we know, Ender Magnolia’s development team has put its best foot forward ahead of the game’s launch. Barely a week after their initial announcement of the upcoming launch on Switch, the team just made another update. They are adding PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, and PC versions. The early access version for PC even got a launch date. Be among the first Ender fans to test the upcoming installation in the early access on March 25. It’s expected to remain in the early access for not less than 6 months. A full release will then be made available on all these platforms. 

Fans catching the early access will explore just one village on the map and the initial four areas in the gameplay. All the areas will still have the enemy bosses and Homunculi characters with whom you can make allies. The core elements of the playthrough will be available right from the beginning, but you can expect additions like more player actions, unique enemies, bosses, and enriched mechanics as we progress through the early access.

So, what’s your take on Ender Magnolia: Bloom? Will you be catching the gameplay once the early access becomes available? Let us know your thoughts here on our socials or down in the comments. 

Cynthia Wambui is a gamer who has a knack for writing video gaming content. Blending words to express one of my biggest interests keeps me in the loop on trendy gaming topics. Aside from gaming and writing, Cynthia is a tech nerd and coding enthusiast.