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Garden Life: Best Tips For Beginners



Game Play

With Garden Life now available for gameplay, all players can think of is how to go about fusing their love for gardening with gaming. As the name suggests, Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator allows players to design a garden, sow, and nurture plants to earn points plus rewards. The game offers you a first-person experience in which you get to unleash your skills in managing a real-life garden. 

While planting and nurturing a garden may seem straightforward, achieving perfection requires skill and strategy. Beginners in Garden Life often wonder how to optimize their gardening experience. Fortunately, there are numerous tips to explore, each offering insights and techniques to enhance your Garden Life journey. Without further ado, here are the best tips for beginners in Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator.

5. Have a Flower Layout

Flower Layout

Garden Life takes you to planting and nurturing all kinds of flowers, with the garden design being your role. Rose bushes, for example, are a top priority for planting and earning you points once mature. You also get to earn from cuttings, which you can either sell, store or replant in your garden. However, planting your flower in Garden Life requires precision, especially with your chosen design layout.

Like real-life gardening, it's important to ensure proper spacing between your flowers in Garden Life. Beginners often need to pay more attention to the importance of spacing and may plant too many flowers too close together, hoping for a large harvest. However, this can lead to inefficiencies in watering and difficulty tending to the garden, potentially resulting in weed growth. 

To avoid these issues, start by planning your flower beds with ample spacing between each plant. Avoid overcrowding, as this can lead to inefficient watering and hinder the growth of your blooms. Experiment with different flower varieties to add depth and diversity to your garden.

4. Don’t Clog Your Inventory

Gardening tools

Players in Garden Life are allowed a free set of tools to assist them in their gardening work. These tools come in handy for multiple gardening roles, including sowing seeds, watering plants, fertilizing, and even clipping the plants. The free inventory also includes items such as bug sprays and watering cans to help further nurture plants to maximum health. Additionally, typical garden tools such as a hoe, pruning shears, and a spade make the rest of the free tools available for your choosing. 

As a beginner, these tools are free, so that you can have them in plenty for your Garden Life work. However, having many tools in your inventory tends to be counterproductive to your gardening simulator experience. Too many multiple tools of the same design clog your inventory, taking up storage space for more essential items you could earn later on. Additionally, having too many similar tools is not smart, considering you only get to use one tool at a time. 

3. Be Smart in Design

Rock Design

Once you step into Garden Life, the arrangement of your whale garden becomes a crucial factor in shaping your outcomes. The game series underscores the importance of this aspect, encouraging players to demonstrate their arrangement and maintenance skills. Therefore, placing boulders and rocks in your garden significantly influences its outcome. Thus, considering garden design and visual appearance becomes vital when embarking on your journey in Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator.

However, beginners may sometimes go overboard, unintentionally affecting the visual appeal of their gardens. For instance, rocks may be scattered openly across the garden, visible from the map. Some rocks might be partially buried while others remain on the surface. The rule of thumb is only to move rocks that are necessary for crafting and leave the others untouched, as they cannot be restored once transferred. Otherwise, you risk losing your garden's natural and realistic appearance, which is essential for maintaining its charm and beauty.

2. Daytime Is the Best Time

Day time Gardening

Like real life, Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator allows you to farm and nurture your garden without a time limit. Beginners can, therefore, use this advantage to try out new plants, change the layout, or even move the plants around. Others can take this chance to work overnight to earn more rewards through planting, pruning, or even harvesting. 

However, night gardening is not the best move for all your plants in Garden Life. Flowers are an excellent example since they don't grow at night, making daytime the best time to work on them. It is an excellent feature that lets you get cuttings or prune your plant to your desire during your daytime play. On the other hand, you can also use the daytime advantage for harvesting since you have a low chance of damaging the plants. 

1. Don’t Forget the Cat

Garden Life Cat

When starting your Garden Life journey, getting caught up in planting and landscaping is easy, but don't forget to pay attention to the furry friends roaming your virtual homestead – the cats! The game series aims to provide a cozy, relaxing, home-like feel to its game experience by providing cats in and around your home compound. Since the game has a few explorable areas, you will meet one or a couple of cats roaming around your farm or town. Other times, you might encounter these cats in your shed or house, napping to your surprise. 

Make it a habit to interact with the cats regularly as you navigate your garden. While there may not be explicit incentives, the simple act of petting them as you pass by enhances the overall experience. Keep an eye out for their playful antics and soothing purrs, even when they're napping away in the sun.

Remember, in Garden Life, the little details, like the presence of these adorable felines, can make all the difference in creating a welcoming and immersive environment for you and your virtual pets.


So, there you have it. What's your take on the best tips for beginners in Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator? Do you believe our tips are right for beginners starting with the game? Let us know your thoughts on these tips and more through our social media here. 

Cynthia Wambui is a gamer who has a knack for writing video gaming content. Blending words to express one of my biggest interests keeps me in the loop on trendy gaming topics. Aside from gaming and writing, Cynthia is a tech nerd and coding enthusiast.