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Best Skills in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage

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Best Skills in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage

Once Pickpocketer turns master assassin of the Hidden Ones, Basim quickly grows up to become a man of many skills. Some skills are innate, cultivated throughout Basim’s humble beginnings. As you progress through Assassin’s Creed: Mirage’s story-based missions, other skills are acquired. Regardless, every skill available to you plays a significant role in making your stealth gameplay more manageable. So, how, then, do you choose which skills to prioritize? 

Furthermore, every skill is a part of one of three skill trees, namely, Phantom, Trickster, and Predator. Plus, some skills require a certain number of limited skill points to unlock. This makes picking which skill tree to focus on and the skills to spend your skill points on all the more difficult. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled the best skills in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage; that’s a great place to start.

5. Breakfall

Assassin’s Creed: Mirage Breakfall

As much as Assassin’s Creed: Mirage’s fault as it is your own, Breakfall is a Phantom Tree skill you’ll want to have in your corner come what may. You see, the parkour gameplay system breaks more often than not. You may want to jump from the top of a building and land on a crate. However, Mirage has other plans for you and causes you to land on your arse. As funny as it sometimes is, such falls, especially when from skyscraping buildings, can drastically chip away at your health bar.  

With limited health that doesn’t regenerate, you don’t want to waste it on clumsy falls—bugs or no bugs. So, you’d better make sure to have Breakfall slotted into your skill set. This allows you to take far less damage from dangerous falls, where Basim would roll on impact rather than, uh, break his neck. Keep in mind that you’ll still take damage, albeit considerably less than without the skill. To unlock Breakfall, you’ll need two skill points. 

Skill Tree: Phantom

4. Knife Recovery

Knife Recovery

In a less ideal world, Basim would throw his knife at an enemy from a mile away. He would break into a dance at the joy of taking down one—at most, two—guards from a safe distance. But that would be the end of it. Once he uses all his knives, either he gets more at a cost or he’s done for. Thanks to Knife Recovery, though, you won’t have to stress about getting more knives to keep taking out guards safely. All you would need to do is throw the knife at an enemy, then retrieve it by walking over their corpse. 

Granted, Knife Recovery requires three skill points to unlock. However, it’s totally worth it, given the near-limitless ways you can use throwing knives in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage. Besides thinning the herd from a mile away, throwing knives allows you to open locked doors and windows. You can also innovate by throwing a knife at a crate hanging above a group of guards to take them all out in one go. Keep in mind that Knife Recovery only works when you walk over a corpse, which still comes in handy to ensure an unlimited supply that grows more powerful when upgraded to pierce through heavy armor.

Skill Tree: Trickster

3. Extra Tool Capacity 1, 2, & 3

Assassin’s Creed: Mirage

Basim’s go-to weaponry is a sword, dagger, and hidden blade. But you can also access a variety of tools to make your missions easier and more manageable. These include smoke bombs, noisemakers, blowdarts, throwing knives, and more. Unfortunately, acquiring a new tool requires unlocking a new slot in your tool wheel. That’s where Extra Tool Capacity comes in. 

With two skill points, you can unlock a new tool slot to pick up a new tool by interacting with Banu Musa at any Assassins’ Bureau. Furthermore, you can upgrade the Extra Tool Capacity skill to allow unlocking another tool slot for two skill points. Plus, a final third upgrade to unlock a final tool slot for two skill points. 

In essence, though, there’s a catch. The Extra Tool Capacity skill cannot be reset, so you must be sure that it’s the perfect way to go for your play style. In any case, unlocking all six tools goes a long way toward progressing easier and faster, so why wouldn’t you?

Skill Tree: Trickster

2. Stealth Recon

Assassin’s Creed: Mirage Stealth Recon

Assassin’s Creed: Mirage goes back to the basics of what makes the series exceptional. It puts emphasis on stealth at all costs. But sometimes, getting by undetected is difficult. So you have the upper hand, though you’ll want to unlock the Stealth Recon skill. It allows you to spot every enemy nearby, regardless of whether they’re crouched or undetected. 

Stealth Recon helps save plenty of time spent scouting. Some enemies will be hidden behind walls. So, you have to walk around to see them. This way, you can avoid their vicinity as you sneak past them. Alternatively, you can plan a strategy that takes them out without alerting more guards to your presence. To unlock Stealth Recon, you’ll need five skill points.

Skill Tree: Predator

1. Pathfinder


As a rookie assassin, so to speak, you’ll start off weaker than anticipated, with lots of ground to cover, enemies to kill, and missions to complete. It helps to have a scouting skill that makes your playthrough easier. So, consider getting Pathfinder, which you can unlock relatively earlier in the game.

Pathfinder works by highlighting all the keys, chests, and hidden treasures scattered all around Baghdad. Additionally, it also highlights secret entrances, so you don’t stroll blindly past them. You don’t have to pick up everything you find, especially with limited spots for inventory. However, it’s certainly superb when you won’t miss out on a valuable item that’s only slightly tucked away. As for skill points, the good news is that you only need one, and you’re good to go. 

Skill Tree: Predator

So, what’s your take? Do you agree with our best skills in Assassin’s Creed: Mirage? Are there more skills we should know about? Let us know over on our socials here.  

Evans I. Karanja is a freelance writer who loves to write about anything technology. He is always on the lookout for interesting topics, and enjoys writing about video games, cryptocurrency and blockchain and more. When not writing, he can be found playing video games or watching F1.