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The Walking Dead: Destinies — Everything We Know



What if Shane never died in The Walking Dead? What if Rick had met his demise before reuniting with Lorrie and Carl? If these are the sorts of questions you’ve been asking yourself since AMC brought The Walking Dead to a close, then you’re in luck. Turns out, Flu Games and GameMill Entertainment are rustling up a new extension for the hit franchise, which will come in the form of The Walking Dead: Destinies, a “third-person narrative-driven action adventure” game. According to the devs, this upcoming title will allow players to weave their own stories as some of the series’ most iconic characters. Interested? Us too.

As it stands, we’re still a fair ways off from seeing the next leg of the journey grace the shelves. That said, thanks to Flu Games has been ever so kind as to provide us with a glimpse of what’s to come in the so-called Destinies. Care to hear more? Here’s everything we know about it.

What Is The Walking Dead: Destinies?

At the time of writing, we can’t really say for certain what The Walking Dead: Destinies is, other than a tailorable tribute to the first four seasons of the AMC show. It’ll be a third-person action adventure game, that much we know. What’s more, it’ll also look to give players the opportunity to switch up the canon and decide the fate of key characters including Rick, Shane, Carol, and Daryl. In other words, rewrite the entire timeline, from the hospital wards of Harrison Memorial Hospital, to the cells of West Georgia Correctional Facility.


The good news is, The Walking Dead: Destinies won’t stray too far from the original story, and will keep all the same landmarks and characters as the AMC show. What’s different this time around, however, is the option to change a “dozen” characters’ fates, which will not only impact the conclusion, but also the encounters that the survivors will deal with over the course of the first four seasons. So, if you ever wondered what it’d be like if, say, Shane survived long enough to see the prison, then now’s your chance to spin a new yarn.

Going by what’s been said so far, The Walking Dead: Destinies will start out with Rick Grimes, and will ultimately pick up with the other survivors, similar to the scenes depicted in the AMC series. As for what will take place after this will, of course, be entirely up to you and the decisions you make along the way. One thing’s for sure, though: each of the four seasons’ locations will play a huge part in the overall story.


We’re definitely getting a lot of State of Decay vibes with this one. Whatever that vibe is, if it’s anything even remotely like Undead Labs’ third-person action adventure series, then we can expect plenty of story-driven quest, base-building, and team-based action. And if it doesn’t possess any of the aforementioned features, then we’ll be surprised — as its announcement trailer definitely gave off that sort of aesthetic. But who knows? We could be miles out.

What we do know is that each of the dozen or so featured characters will have some form of special ability, and will benefit the team in one way or another. It’ll be your job, as the overseer of the survivors’ desperate struggle to make ends meet in a post-apocalyptic Georgia, to decide who lives, and who dies. No pressure there, then.


GameMill Entertainment has this bold habit of acquiring hit TV series and transforming them into full-fledged video game adaptations. Knowing that, and how the publisher has a knack for ports and rebuilds, does give us some confidence that The Walking Dead: Destinies will be the best game it can possibly be. It’ll receive the right treatment, at least — and from experienced hands, no less.

As for its developer, Flu Games, there isn’t a great deal to tell. Truth is, we haven’t actually seen a whole lot from the studio over the past however many years since its founding, so we can’t exactly compare The Walking Dead: Destinies to any of the team’s previous works. Whatever the case, here’s hoping the team go on to knock it out of the park when the game finally launches at some point later this year.


The Walking Dead: Destinies - Official Announcement Trailer

Yes, there is a trailer — and a pretty good one, at that. Not only does it show off its primary characters and settings, but some of its combat and decision-making elements, too. You can check it out for yourself in the video embedded above.

Release Date, Platforms & Editions

The Walking Dead: Destinies will be coming out “soon” on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC via Steam. If we was to buy into the rumors that have been spreading over the past several months, then we can expect to see it arrive on November 14, 2023. But you can take that with a grain of salt, to be honest. If we’re lucky, then Flu Games should post a pre-launch update at some stage over the next several weeks.

There aren’t any special editions out in the open just yet, but apparently the standard version will be available to buy for $49.99 across all major storefronts. So that’s something. You can add the game to your wishlist on the PlayStation Store, Microsoft Store, and Steam today.

Interested in keeping up to date on The Walking Dead: Destinies’ progress? If so, then be sure to check in with the team’s official social feed for all the latest pre-launch updates here. If anything changes ahead of its loose 2023 release, we’ll be sure to fill you in on all the details right here on


So, what’s your take? Will you be picking up a copy of The Walking Dead: Destinies when it releases on consoles and PC? Let us know your thoughts over on our socials here.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.