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Best Weapons in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

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Sargon vs Jahandar in Weapons in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown

To travel through the cursed Mount Oaf and rescue the Prince, you need potent weapons. Otherwise, the monsters, flying beasts, and formidable bosses you’ll run into will be challenging to get past. Fortunately, Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown has top-tier melee and ranged weapons. You also only have three weapons to tinker with throughout your gaming experience, making your decision much more manageable. Here are the best weapons in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown you want by your side.

3. Bow of Menolias

Prince of Persia The Lost Crown How to Get Bow Of Menolias

The preferred weapon of Menolias, mythical archer of the Immortals.

To shift into ranged mode, you can use the Bow of Menolias. It’s an ability you unlock while progressing through the story. The Bow of Menolias, once belonging to Sargon’s ally and Immortal, Menolias, allows you to use a bow to inflict damage at long range. Besides ranged damage, the Bow of Menolias also helps in exploration. You’ll need to fire an arrow at platform seeds that open up into new, unexplored areas. It also comes through during specific platforming stages.

Fortunately, you unlock Bow of Menolias quite early in the game, giving you enough time to get acquainted with its use case. However, in its basic form, it can slack a bit, especially when you progress deeper in the story. So, be sure to upgrade the Bow of Menolias to get the most out of it. Upgrading to level 1 gives the bow more damage potency. Thereafter, you can upgrade its damage output a tad more in the level 2 upgrade, keeping in mind that each upgrade will require collecting Time Crystals and Azure Damascus Ingot resources.

In any case, the Bow of Menolias comes in pretty handy when fighting ranged-based enemies. Some opponents will use arrows themselves, while others will have elemental powers that chip away at your health even from a mile away. The Bow of Menolias can help keep a safe distance from formidable enemies. It can fire arrows at flying beasts and enemies dispersed into the air. Alternatively, it helps to interrupt an enemy’s flow of attack and outright lay waste to any adversary that stands in your way.

How to Get Bow of Menolias

To get the Bow of Menolias, you’ll need to complete the Lost in Mount Oaf mission as part of the main story mode. It takes you through the Hrycanian Forest, where the bow is located. You’ll pick up the bow just after defeating the giant boar, Erlik. 

2. Chakram of Menolias

How to Unlock Chakram of Menolias Location and How to Use - Prince of Persia The Lost Crown

A ranged weapon that comes back to Sargon once thrown.

The Chakram of Menolias is, in fact, an upgrade to the Bow of Menolias, making it superior in power. It’s a hidden secret ability of Menolias’ bow, where later in the game, you can transform the bow into a chakram. Just like the Indian throwing weapon, the Chakram in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown behaves in a similar way. It’s a circular throwing blade that you can throw out into enemies or specific platform stages, then have the blade circle back to you like a boomerang. 

The Chakram of Menolias gives you a more powerful ranged attack. It inflicts more damage than the bow. Additionally, it serves up more utility to activate large cogs when solving puzzles and platforming across Mount Oaf. By turning the cogs, you can reveal new pathways. While it’s the third and final weapon you’ll unlock in the game, it comes at an opportune time to keep the combat interesting. Furthermore, Chakram plays a significant role in progressing through the story, solving tricky platforming sections, and even opening up new areas for exploration.

While firing arrows at enemies is a one-time deal, the Chakram always returns to you. As a result, it keeps your ranged attacks flowing continuously, parrying at enemies and dealing damage with each rebound. Make sure to get the most out of the Chakram by upgrading it to levels one and two. That way, you get boosts in damage potency that destroy enemies where they stand.

How to Get Chakram of Menolias

First, you’ll need to unlock the Bow of Menolias. Shortly after, you’ll journey to the Upper Citadel in the Hyrcanian Forest, where you’ll receive the Chakram of Menolias from Menolias himself. You’ll need to speak to Menolias, and he’ll teach you how to use the Chakram.

1. Qays and Layla

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - Kaheva, Goddess Blacksmith: Qays and Layla +1 Gameplay

Sargon’s signature dual blades, gifted by Anahita to celebrate his standing with the Immortals. Legend has it, the blades carry the souls of two ill-fated lovers.

The good news is that you receive Sargon’s Qays and Layla straight from the very beginning of the game before the tutorial for your basic moves even kicks off. Oh, and there’s no bad news: Qays and Layla are simply Sargon’s best weapons to wield in combat. They’re dual swords that allow you to hack and slash the most formidable enemies. 

You’ll be using Qays and Layla for a good chunk of the game, so getting fully acquainted with them pays off. While you’ll access most of Qays and Layla’s capabilities from the get-go, you also want to fully upgrade them, as well as empower them with Amulets. Specifically, the Blade Dancer amulet lets you string together longer melee combos. Upgrades, on the other hand, boost your swords’ damage output across levels one and two.

Qays and Layla are freely accessible. They don’t wear out or get lost. Instead, they’ll become your primary weapon, capable of weaving potent combos and dealing devastating blows at close range. When parrying, Qays and Layla will be your main go-to's, as well as when unleashing Athra surges and special attacks. Combined, your twin blades will take down more enemies and bosses than you can count. 

How to Get Qays and Layla

Obtained right from the beginning of the game, before the tutorial starts. They’ll be gifted to you by your mentor, Anahita. 

So, what’s your take? Do you agree with our best weapons in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown? Let us know over on our socials here.

Evans I. Karanja is a freelance writer who loves to write about anything technology. He is always on the lookout for interesting topics, and enjoys writing about video games, cryptocurrency and blockchain and more. When not writing, he can be found playing video games or watching F1.