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Best Draupnir Spear Skills in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla



God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla Draupnir Spear Skills

In God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla, the Draupnir Spear has some seriously cool skills that can completely change how you handle battles. Understanding and mastering these Draupnir Spear Skills is a big deal in the game. Think of these skills as special moves that not only make your spear attacks look awesome but also make them much stronger. From summoning powerful winds, controlling elemental forces, or throwing spears at lightning speed, that's the kind of excitement these skills bring.

Each Draupnir spear skill isn't only meant  for show. They make the game a whole lot more enjoyable and give you strategies to take down tough enemies. So, becoming a pro at these skills is crucial. They will help you turn the Draupnir Spear into a true powerhouse. In turn, it allows you to enjoy every moment of your journey through Valhalla. As you begin your adventure with the Draupnir Spear in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla, here are its best skills.

5. Gale Force

Gale Force Skill

Gale Force I empowers players to aim and release a Heavy Attack. This, in turn, generates a forceful wind blast that pushes enemies backwards. The skill gains extra strength by utilizing any gathered element within the Spear, intensifying the impact of the blast. Gale Force II becomes available as players advance, enabling them to hold the Heavy Attack during Gale Force and draw in nearby enemies. To unlock this skill, players need to earn experience points, reaching 1500 XP for Gale Force II. Players also need an additional 3000 XP for the pinnacle skill, Gale Force III.

Mastery of the Draupnir Spear in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla transforms into an exciting journey as players progress through the Gale Force skills. Gale Force III, the ultimate ability in this set, introduces a game-changing feature. By fully charging Gale Force before executing a Heavy Attack, players unleash a devastating blast that forcefully launches enemies into the air. This impactful move adds a fresh layer to combat strategy, allowing players to control the battlefield and defeat enemies stylishly.

4. Elemental Siphon

Elemental Siphon

Building on the innovative gameplay of Elemental Siphon I, Elemental Siphon II takes it to the next level in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla. This upgraded skill allows players to absorb an enemy's elemental power into the Spear by holding the Heavy Attack button and provides an additional benefit. Siphoning an element now grants a buff of resistance to that specific element. The versatility of Elemental Siphon II continues, offering players the choice to throw, impale, or detonate the charged spears for increased impact in various combat scenarios. To unlock and enhance this advanced feature, players must accumulate 3000 XP, progressing to Level 6 for Elemental Siphon II.

In addition to Elemental Siphon I, players can further customize their combat experience with Mod Tokens. These tokens come in different types, each providing specific enhancements to the skill. Damage Tokens provide a slight boost to the damage output of the skill. On the other hand, Protection Tokens offer significant resistance to damage and decrease the chances of being staggered during the skill.

3. Spear Swiftness

Spear Swiftness

Spear Swiftness is one of the best techniques wielded by those mastering the Draupnir Spear in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla. With a substantial investment of 5000 XP, this skill represents spear combat expertise. Its core features a unique ability to escalate the throwing speed of multiple spears when executed rapidly. As players advance in skill and attain higher levels, the Draupnir Spear transforms into a lethal instrument, enabling warriors to unleash a relentless barrage of spears upon their enemies with unparalleled speed.

Notably, Spear Swiftness does not offer Mod Tokens, and its proficiency doesn't necessitate specific Skill Labors. Nevertheless, during combat, the incorporation of Spear Swiftness injects a strategic element into the combat style. Throwing spears not only overwhelms opponents but also leverages the heightened speed of each projectile, granting a tactical edge in engagements.

2. Spear Drill

Draupnir Spear

Those who are skilled with the Draupnir Spear in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla can use Spear Drill, a compelling ranged technique. This skill becomes available to players who invest 3000 XP, showcasing its importance in the progression of combat capabilities. Executing the Spear Drill requires players to hold the Aim Button and simultaneously initiate a Light Attack, setting off a potent and spiraling spear toss.

Notably, this charged throw doesn't merely strike once but repeatedly targets foes, compelling them backward. What sets this skill apart is its notable efficiency. The charged spear inflicts substantial damage and undergoes a swift charging process. This combination of power and speed establishes the Spear Drill as a highly effective and versatile choice, particularly suitable for engaging enemies from a distance. It is an ideal option for ranged attacks in the dynamic battles of God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla.

1. Phalanx Breaker

Phalanx Breaker

At Level 6 in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla, players can unlock the potent Phalanx Breaker by investing 500 XP. This skill is executed by pressing the Heavy Attack button while sprinting, delivering a forceful overhead sweep that breaks through an enemy's guard. A rising strike follows the sweeping motion seamlessly, effectively launching weaker foes into the air. The Phalanx Breaker is a strategic asset for disrupting enemy defenses and creating advantageous opportunities in the heat of battle.

Players can fine-tune the effectiveness of the Phalanx Breaker by selecting from various Token types. The Damage Token slightly enhances the skill's damage output, boosting its offensive capabilities. In contrast, the Protection Token fortifies resistance to damage, diminishing the likelihood of being staggered during the skill's execution. Meanwhile, the Momentum Token plays a vital role by substantially increasing the Maelstrom charge acquired from the skill, ensuring a more rapid power buildup. These Tokens grant players the versatility to tailor their combat style, allowing for a more personalized and impactful utilization of the Phalanx Breaker technique across combat scenarios.

So, what are your thoughts on our selection of the best Draupnir Spear Skills in God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla? Do you agree with our choices, or do you have other favorites in mind? Let us know on our socials here.

Cynthia Wambui is a gamer who has a knack for writing video gaming content. Blending words to express one of my biggest interests keeps me in the loop on trendy gaming topics. Aside from gaming and writing, Cynthia is a tech nerd and coding enthusiast.