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5 Loneliest Video Games Ever Made



There's honestly nothing worse than feeling alone and starved of companionship. Fortunately, feeling the cold shudder of isolation isn't something we're accustomed to, what with multiplayer being a thing and that. But that isn't to say the market is without its quieter storylines. In fact, there are quite a few out there, all of which will make you feel like the loneliest so-and-so to ever trek the earth.

Of course, being stranded and left to your own devices isn't always a bad thing. And to be honest, when overwhelmed by the high-octane lifestyle that comes with multiplayer gaming, being saddled with loneliness is one of the most refreshing things a gamer can experience. But what are the loneliest video games on the market, and which of them make you feel like you really are the last living creature on the planet?


5. Death Stranding


We're not saying being a courier is a lonely job or anything, but it's definitely one of the more antisocial positions in the book — especially when your clients are miles apart from one another, separated by mountains, barren wastelands, and deserted campgrounds. But then, you know what the say — someone's gotta do it. And that someone, of course, is Sam Porter Bridges.

Playing Death Stranding can either be extremely therapeutic, or frustratingly mundane. There's hardly any middle ground here, and it's up to the player to decide which avenue to follow. Although the story does pick up at times, the bulk of it is, of course, made up of delivering supplies to isolated colonies. And so, if you enjoy hearing your own heartbeat while traveling down desolate roads, then you'll definitely enjoy Kojima's cult classic.


4. Subnautica

Crash landing in the middle of an ocean on an uninhabited planet isn't exactly the best way to make new friends. That is, unless you'd class contorted fish as friends, in which case you will be pleasantly surprised with just how populated Subnautica really is. If, however, you don't class anything with gills as friend material, then you are in for one seriously lonely journey.

The goal is relatively simple: survive out on the ocean. To do so, you will need to dive deep into the heart of the unchartered waters in search of supplies and clues that will help to explain the history of the strange planet. The only major downside to mapping the watery labyrinth, of course, is the feeling of being helpless and alone. And believe us when we say, those thoughts double in size come nightfall.


3. Firewatch

If perching over the balcony of a lookout in an isolated woodland reserve for eighty days sounds like fun to you, then you're in for a real treat. Well, technically you won't spent the entire eighty days cooped up in a tower, as there are a few duties that come with the job, some of which involve going way beyond the lakes and canyons of the Wyoming wilderness. But for the most part, you're on your own. Or at least, you are in a physical sense.

While the game does let you roam with nothing but your thoughts, there is an emotional lifeline that rests on the other end of a handheld radio. And it's this lifeline, believe it or not, that becomes your closest ally over the painfully long tenure. Now, whether you choose to pursue a friendship with the other lookout is entirely up to you. Just don't expect a blossoming relationship to relieve you of that loneliness coursing beneath your skin, though.


2. Don't Starve

Don't Starve was built with one purpose in mind: to make its players feel cold, afraid, and alone. And to be fair, credit is due where it is due; Don't Starve is bone-chillingly barren and emotionally bankrupt. It's also crafted without a real goal to work towards, meaning your only option is to survive the day-to-day and avoid succumbing to the monochrome wilderness.

The good news is, you don't have to be alone. With Don't Starve Together offering a two-player mode, users can immerse in the Constant together, a place where teamwork is required to survive the cruelness of the broken realm. But that's just one of the routes one can take. If, however, you enjoy braving the isolation as a lone wolf, then the rewards can be twice as grand.


1. What Remains of Edith Finch

What Remains of Edith Finch does a tremendous job at making you feel like the sole survivor of a family curse. And to be fair, that is the premise of the game, as your goal is to traverse the remnants of your childhood home in search of clues that explain your relatives' untimely deaths. But searching the nooks and crannies of the old towering estate, though, is made to feel very hollow. And with great hollowness, of course, comes a great deal of isolation.

As you ascend the family tree and learn of its many, many secrets, new rooms will open up to you, giving you plenty more to contemplate as you rummage through its endless trinkets. It's a relatively short ride, but it's definitely a road well worth traveling. And what's more, it's one of the best story-driven walking simulators on the market. So there's that.


So, what's your take? Do you agree with our top five? Are there any games you'd recommend for this list? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.