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TFT: Teamfight Tatics patch 10.16 news

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TeamFight Tactics (TFT) received patch 10.16 on Wednesday (5). The update brought some news and added a new galaxy that promises to impact the style of play. With that in mind, Gaming Net selected the strongest compositions for the updated TFT Set 3. Strong compositions have not undergone so many changes and some may appear as alternatives in this Teamfight Tatics patch 10.16.

TFT is an Auto Chess game from Riot Games. The title is available in a mobile version for download on Android and iPhone phones (iOS) and as a game mode in League of Legends (LoL) for PC.

Rebel Blademaster

Champions: Shen, Yasuo, Zed, Yi, Fizz, Irelia and Riven.

Master Yi is one of the strongest characters of Teamfight Tatics patch 10.16. (Image: Riot Games)

This composition appears as one of the best for some patches. The idea is to have many champions who can do damage, with Master Yi as the main one. Seeking to maximize the power of Shen, Yasuo, Zed and Yi, the strategy requires patience to reach greater potential.


  • Start the game by focusing on champions who are master of blades and infiltrators, such as Nocturne, Fiora, Shen, Zed, Yasuo and Master Yi.
  • Use the “Slow Roll” tactic on level 7. This strategy consists of accumulating money and spending the excess after reaching 50 gold until you reach Zed, Shen, Yasuo and Master Yi at the maximum level.
  • The items needed to maximize the characters' damage come from the recurve bow. Get at least three of them to ensure greater efficiency in Master Yi. Steaming Cannon, Rabadon's Deathcap, Mercury and Guinsoo's Blade of Fury are the best items for the champion.
  • Zed is one of the best champions of this composition, but he needs to have the blade master feature activated. Focus on getting a spatula as soon as possible and, in the new patch, a GPC Sword to get the Destroyed King's Sword.
  • Remember to always place the three rebels together so that they gain the shield of the rebel feature, which was improved in this update.
  • Riven, Ireilia and Fizz are strong champions in their own right. Riven comes in to provide the time characteristic buff for the entire team. Meanwhile, Fizz has a lot of group control and is an infiltrator, just like Zed. Irelia comes in as the sixth blade master for being a strong character.

Sniper Astronauts

Champions: Caitlyn, Nautilus, Ashe, Gnar, Jhin, Teemo, Wukong and Lulu / Karma.

Teemo is one of the damage carriers of the composition. (Image: Riot Games)

In this Teamfight Tatics patch 10.16, Sniper champions do more damage from distance to opponents. Meanwhile, astronauts have reduced their mana cost to 30 when they are together. In addition, this is a composition with immense group control, has a resistant front line and causes enormous damage.


  • Being a composition with two magazines with different damage, a physical and a magician, it is good to pay attention to the items at the beginning of the game. If you get Tears of the Goddess, Needlessly Large Rod and GPC Sword, you have a call to make this composition.
  • Get Caitlyn two stars as soon as possible. As he is a strong champion at the beginning of the game, there is a chance to win some duels and maintain hit points.
  • Always have two Vanguards on the field. The Mordekaiser can be useful for being a Black Star and activating the trait once you get Jhin.
  • Reaching level 8 is essential as it contains four characters of cost 4, such as Jhin, Teemo, Gnar and Wukong. The chances of getting these champions increase from 15% to 25% from level 7 to 8.
  • Positioning is paramount. Knowing where to place the characters on the platform to increase the damage done and the distribution of group control caused by Gnar, Ashe, Teemo and Nautilus is necessary. Place the Snipers at the ends. Watch out if the enemy has Blitzcrank or the Zephyr item.
  • At level 9, having two Mystics can be very useful. To increase protection for Jhin, Karma and Lulu alongside him can be good champions. Karma is Black Star and Lulu is Celestial. Both will be activated because they already have Ashe and Jhin in the field.

Master of the Golden Blades

Champions: Fiora, Jarvan, Xayah, Rakan, Shen, Master Yi, Irelia and Riven.

Fiora is part of the composition strategy. (Image: Riot Games)

The synergy achieved at the beginning of the game with three Blade Masters, two Temporal and the attack speed promoted by Jarvan's skill, this composition presents a good start to the game. Seeking to activate the feature with six Blade Masters and a powerful frontline, this composition does a lot of damage.


  • With a focus on achieving the greatest number of tier 1 three-star champions, adopt the “hyperroll” tactic, which consists of accumulating gold and spending it all one round before reaching level five. Search for Xayah, Fiora and Jarvan.
  • Taken as the composition of the “three critics”, for requiring three Boxer Gloves, the items in the finals of Xayah are Last Whisper, Edge of Infinity and Mercury. With the best in Statikk Knife, it is an item that can be useful in the damage loader.
  • Strengthen your Jarvan so that he stays longer and can give Xayah more attack speed. The positioning of the characters of the two characters, being close to each other, is essential.
  • When you get the six Blade Masters, Riven is one of the most important for granting Temporal to the whole team, as you will already have Shen.
  • Always keep in mind to change the composition if you don't get the six Blade Masters, being able to use four Celestial, with Lulu and Ashe. In addition to exchanging Riven for Caitlyn.

Demolishing Rebels

Champions: Malphite, Ziggs, Blitzcrank, Yasuo, Ezreal, Yi, Jinx, Aurelion Sol and Gangplank.

When you activate your ability, Jinx does a lot of damage. (Image: Riot Games)

With a focus on keeping Jinx alive, this composition seeks to have a good position and a front line capable of waiting for the activation of the champion's ability. With Gangplank or Aurelion Sol as possible loaders, the comp has a good distribution between physical and magical damage. Blitzcrank and Ezreal will activate Temporal and Fighter, in addition to the first bringing the element of surprise to the team.


  • If you start with items like the Red Effect, try to get characters like Lucian and Graves, as well as Malphite and Blitz. If you get a Rabadon Deathcap, an alternative is to drop it off at Ziggs in the beginning.
  • The transition is made from the moment you get Jinx, but always keeping two detonators together.
  • Your main loader is Jinx, make items like Giant Kills, Red Effect, Last Whisper, Infinity Edge and Mortal Blade to do more damage and Guardian Angel to protect yourself.
  • Blitzcrank near Jinx can be useful. The champion's ability is activated after she kills two enemies. With the initial pull of Blitz, Jinx can start distributing damage more quickly.
  • Gangplank adds the Daredevil deal along with Ziggs. With the right items, the Space Pirate is able to deal a lot of damage and group control. Guardian Angel, Ionic Spark and Rabadon's Deathcap are the items to survive to the point of using your ability.
  • Position the rebels always together, with Jinx at the center. At the start of the fight, Rebels gain a shield for each adjacent rebel. The shield was buffed in the current patch.


Champions: Fiora, Leona, Shen, Vayne, Vi, Irelia, Ekko and Thresh.

With Ekko, cybernetics remain at the finish line. (Image: Riot Games)

With low cost champions such as Leona, Fiora and Lucian, the beginning of the Cybernetic game can be very strong. Along with the ease of finding champions, the feature gains life and attack damage when equipping only one item. With the possibility of a game start with detonators, passing through Snipers and ending with the help of Masters of Blades, the composition ends up being versatile. In the Treasure Chest galaxy, the composition gets even stronger in this Teamfight Tatics patch 10.16.


  • The beginning of the Cybernetics game is very strong. Search for Leona, Fiora and Lucian. If you get many items, distribute them among the three, but focusing on the damage items on Lucian. He will be your loader at the start of the game. Red effect is a great item if you get another Detonator.
  • After the addition of Vayne it was easier to get six Cybernetics, but don't stick to that. Try as many synergies as possible, as your two carriers will be Irelia and Ekko and they will be slow to arrive.
  • Vi always uses her skill on the champion furthest from her. Position it to reach a target that could be problematic for your team.
  • Transition the team as soon as you get Irelia. If you have Shen or Riven, you will be able to activate Blademaster, making it stronger. In addition to these, Thresh is important to activate Manamante and Temporal.
  • Positioning is key. Upon obtaining Ekko, he will jump on the enemy. Get a spot for him to hit the most powerful opponent. Irelia with active Manamante can also unbalance a round.

Brazilian, 23 years old, I follow eSports since 2010 with a good experience in Counter Strike Global Offensive, Fortnite, League of Legends and Valorant with articles and news published in the electronic sports scene.