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Midnight Ghost Hunt: 5 Best Tips for Beginners



Asymmetrical multiplayer games have become all the rage over the past several years, more so now that the likes of Phasmophobia and Dead by Daylight have inspired countless others to tiptoe in their footsteps. A recent example of a top-shelf spooky fest is Midnight Ghost Hunt, a stomach-punching horror that draws from a cocktail of ghoulish tales and hide-and-seek gameplay. It’s fiendish in its own right, and a darn good time for anyone looking to soak up the thrills of any modern co-op game and still get all the chills of a frightening world in all its ghostly glory.

Like a lot of games that adopt a similar theme and style of gameplay, Midnight Ghost Hunt has its fair share of challenges to sift through. However, if you’re able to retain and adhere to a few basic guidelines, then regardless of the side you play on, chances are you’ll have enough to see you through to twilight and beyond. In other words, if you’re able to employ these five following tips, then you’ll no doubt be able to wipe the floor with those nasty ghosts that roam the manor and its network of cursed locations.

5. Know the Rules

Midnight Ghost Hunt takes place over two halves: the pre-midnight phase, a time during which the Ghosts must possess objects and use their abilities to avoid being detected by the Hunters, and the post-midnight phase, a section in which the roles are reversed and the Hunters must survive the final hours before being consumed by the Ghosts. Once you’ve grasped a clear understanding of how the two phases work, you’ll be able to focus your attention on other pressing matters; learning how to keep your generator safe, for example.

It’s safe to say that, to prevent the aftermath hours that come in the second phase, Hunters will need to eliminate all four Ghosts and wipe the board clean before midnight strikes. Failing to banish the spirits in a timely fashion does, of course, mean having to endure a second wave of antics—hours in which your chances of survival tend to plummet. So, for the sake of keeping your head above water, Hunters will need to band together and snuff out the Ghosts—even if they are in the form of a lampshade. You can get an idea of where to find Ghosts from their ectoplasm trails.

4. Being Immobile Is Key (Ghost)

If you’re playing as a Ghost, then you’ll no doubt be wanting to scare the living daylights out of those nosy Hunters whenever the opportunity presents itself. However, to avoid being detected and vaporized, the absolute best way to make a mark on your pursuers is to avoid mobilizing altogether. In fact, the best chance of “surviving” each round is through the power of idleness alone. In other words, swapping between objects and remaining inactive for extensive periods of time can save your skin.

There are perks for remaining inactive, too, such as having less ectoplasm to give away your position to the nearby Hunters. So, if you can help it, aim to stay still as often as possible; the quieter you are, the less likely you are to leave behind a trail for the Hunters to unearth your location. Possess household objects with caution, but keep your movements minimal for the best possible outcome. If you can alternate between items and reduce your ectoplasm footprint, you’ll wind up fooling even the most seasoned Hunters.

3. Mix & Match Your Loadouts (Hunter)

In each match you’ll find a Workbench, which will allow you and your fellow Hunters to equip a wide variety of weapons, perks, and abilities. To avoid clashing and shooting for the same target, though, it’s often best to get creative with each of the four loadouts. In other words, using the standard gear that each Hunter comes bolted to is a one-way ticket to instant defeat. To maximise your chances of catching all four Ghosts before the midnight hour, be sure to experiment with four completely unique builds.

As well as having a solid starter loadout to both locate and vaporise Ghosts, Hunters will also need to make use of the Workbench throughout each match to stay on top of the tasks at hand. For example, once a Ghost has been zapped, another Hunter will need to equip the vacuum to remove the ethereal remains. If one Hunter can stay on top of cleaning house, another can secure a variety of medical pick-me-ups to prepare for the post-midnight phase. To tie all of this together and assure that you’ve established a well-oiled machine for a team, you will of course need to communicate often. In short, a talkative team is a winning team, always.

2. Know Your Limits

It goes without saying that, while Midnight Ghost Hunt aims to provide a balanced experience for both Hunters and Ghosts, there is a time for each faction to shine, and for the other to preserve their energy for what’s to come. What we’re saying is, if you’re jumping straight into the round as a Hunter, then you’re going to want to give it your all before midnight strikes and the tables turn, and vice versa for the Ghost team.

What’s important in Midnight Ghost Hunt is that each team knows their strengths and weaknesses, and in turn uses them to their advantage. Hunters — it’s your job to pour all of your energy into the first half and preserve it in the second. Ghosts, on the other hand, will have to aim for the complete opposite, and do all in their power to avoid capture in the first half in preparation of coming back swinging in the second.

1. Prepare for the Worst Case Scenario

Again, if you’re playing as the Hunter, then you’re realistically only going to have around four minutes to clean house and vacuum up the opposite team. But if you’ve trickled past that marker, then you’re going to want to switch tactics, and instead of trying to hunt Ghosts — prepare for the worst case scenario. As soon as five minutes have come and gone, the Ghosts will be coming back to haunt you, and with twice the firepower to boot.

Regardless of how many Ghosts you’ve already caught, the second phase in a match will automatically revive the entire team if there’s so many as one left in play. So, better to cut your losses and prepare for the final assault, rather than go to war with a team that holds all the cards in their favour. By that, we mean it’s best to swap out your vacuum for an offensive weapon, and load up on health pickups and other key items that’ll save your skin. While on your guard, you’ll want to remain in the vicinity of the exit. If you can make it through another five minutes, then you’ll be extracted from the location and in with a chance of winning. Easier said than done, but if you remain aware of the time your spending on each goal, you should be able to stay one step ahead.


So, what’s your take? Do you agree with our best Midnight Ghost Hunt tips? Let us know your thoughts over on our socials here.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.