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Has Guerrilla Games Finally Sent Killzone Out to Pasture?



Chances are, with Guerrilla Games going above and beyond to push Horizon Forbidden West down the throats of anyone who dares to inhale, older IPs will, unfortunately, become somewhat dormant. Such is the case with Killzone, a franchise that hasn't seen the light of day since 2013.

According to Twitter user ‘Oops Leaks', the once-loved PlayStation brand is “dead.” And if this is true, then we can pretty much kiss the hopes of ever seeing a sequel goodbye. But seeing as Guerrilla Games hasn't put out an entry in nearly a decade, many would say those hopes died out a long, long time ago.

Still, never say never…

Of course, being a bit of an old school classic with a loyal fan base, we can't say Guerrilla Games will abandon the IP for good. And to be fair, many have pledged their reason for wanting another game ever since the series sizzled out in 2013, with Killzone: Mercenary on PlayStation Vita. But, you know, we all know how that bit of kit turned out. Not that its commercial failure had anything to do with Killzone, of course.

Whatever the case, you can pretty much take every Twitter rumor with a major pinch of salt these days. To say Killzone is a dead series is one thing, but to believe it is an entirely different talking point. The fact is, though, that Guerrilla Games has shown no real interest in rebooting the series since 2013, meaning we do have reason to believe this particular rumor is at least worth taking into account.

Perhaps there will be another Killzone game in the distant future. Ideally, on current-gen hardware, long before the turn of the next line of consoles. But if what Oops Leaks is saying is true, then we shouldn't go putting all of our eggs in one basket.

So, what's your take? Do you think Killzone has reached its end? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.