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FOUNDRY: Everything We Know

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Imagine a game where you can build and create anything you want. Foundry is that game. It's like a giant digital playground where players can set up factories, gather materials, and watch their ideas come to life. You start with an open space, and what you do next is up to you. Maybe you'll build a big factory or design a complex network of machines. It's all about playing, building, and seeing where your imagination takes you. Excited to learn more? Here's everything we know about Foundry.

What is Foundry?


Foundry is an ambitious, upcoming game that seamlessly marries the intricacies of simulation with the limitless potential of sandbox gaming. Set against the backdrop of a procedurally generated voxel world, it invites players into a realm where creativity meets strategy, allowing them to shape, mold, and transform their surroundings. This game isn't merely about constructing buildings or crafting items; it's about birthing an entire ecosystem of interconnected machinery and systems in an ever-evolving landscape.

Unlike traditional games, Foundry doesn’t bind the player to any preset narrative or structure. Instead, it provides them with the tools and freedom to craft their own journey, making every playthrough unique, personal, and a reflection of the player’s own vision and strategy.

At its core, Foundry is an ode to innovation and imagination. While players will mine resources and lay down machinery, the game's heart lies in the challenges of automation, logistics, and power management. Every decision, every placement, and every strategy plays a crucial role in determining the trajectory of the player's virtual world. It's more than a game; it's a canvas for players to paint their industrial masterpieces.


Foundry lets players enter a big, blocky world. Here, the story isn’t already made. Instead, it grows from what you do in the game. Picture this: you land in a place filled with blocks. As you dig, build, and create, the world changes around you. The more you play, the more the world looks like your choices. Every building you make, every path you create, and every block you use changes the game's story. This means each player will have a different adventure. Some might build giant factories, while others might focus on exploring. Either way, it’s all about your choices and how you play.

In Foundry, the story is not about predefined characters or scripted events, but about individual choices, challenges overcome, and the mark you leave on an ever-responsive world. Your actions carry weight, and every decision, whether grand or seemingly insignificant, contributes to your unique tale of industrial progress and the challenges and triumphs that come with it.


From what we have seen from the trailer and details shared by the developers, Foundry promises an immersive and layered gameplay experience. The game beckons players into a limitless voxel universe, challenging them to build, innovate, and adapt. At the heart of it, Foundry isn't just about building a factory; it's about weaving the intricate dance of logistics, automation, and innovation into a seamless rhythm of progress.

Starting humbly, players will initially experience the satisfaction of manually crafting their first items and machines. However, as the factory's scope expands, so does its complexity. The challenge then morphs from mere creation to meticulous orchestration. Conveyor belts, pipe networks, and power supply systems become integral components, and mastering their intricate dance will be crucial. Each decision will have ramifications, ensuring that players remain engrossed in optimizing every facet of their growing empire.

Adding depth to the gameplay is the endless procedurally generated voxel world. This element not only offers aesthetic variety but also presents unique challenges and opportunities. Terrain will play a significant role, and players will have to strategize whether a sprawling factory on a mountaintop offers more advantages than one hidden deep within a mineral-rich mine.

Lastly, while the solo experience promises to be captivating, Foundry will also allow players to team up. Cooperative gameplay is set to bring another layer of complexity and strategy. Collaborating with friends to synchronize production lines, share resources, and tackle logistic challenges will undoubtedly enrich the gameplay.


Foundry is being developed by the innovative team at Channel 3 Entertainment, with Paradox Interactive stepping in as the publisher. The developers have a plan to release the game in Early Access. They want to use the Early Access model to get feedback from players. This is because they think players' ideas can help make the game better. They believe that when gamers play early versions of the game and share their thoughts, it can help improve the final game.

As for the game's future, the team has big plans. They want the final version to have more stuff and features than the early version. They aim to let players do more underground digging and find cool things deep in the ground. Players will also get more tools to control their factories and more items to craft and use. In short, the developers want Foundry to be fun, exciting, and full of things to explore and create.


FOUNDRY — Factory-Building Sandbox | Announcement Trailer

Channel 3 Entertainment recently dropped an announcement trailer, and it's nothing short of spectacular. It offers gamers a tantalizing glimpse into the world of Foundry, showcasing its rich graphics, intricate mechanics, and endless possibilities. The trailer effectively conveys the game's essence, introducing us to its expansive world and the challenges and rewards that lie within. If you haven't yet, do yourself a favor and watch the embedded trailer above – it's sure to heighten your anticipation.

Release Date, Platforms & Edition

Foundry will be gracing our screens soon, available for PC via Steam. Paradox Interactive has announced a demo that will be accessible during the Steam Next Fest: Fall 2023, running from October 9 to 16. However, keep in mind that the developers currently don't intend to keep the demo available post-festival.

As for the official release date, we're still in the dark, but rest assured, we'll update you with any changes or announcements. For those eagerly awaiting to get their hands on the game, it's essential to note that Foundry will first launch in Early Access. Also, you can follow the official social media account of Paradox Interactive for the latest updates and announcements related to this game here.

So, what's your take on Foundry? Do you think it'll redefine the factory-building simulation genre? Let us know your thoughts on our socials here.

Amar is a gaming aficionado and freelance content writer. As an experienced gaming content writer, he's always up-to-date with the latest gaming industry trends. When he's not busy crafting compelling gaming articles, you can find him dominating the virtual world as a seasoned gamer.