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Dragonhold: Everything We Know

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Imagine riding on the back of a dragon. Picture yourself flying high above a magical world full of exciting places and dangerous creatures. Do you feel a sense of adventure just thinking about it? If that sounds amazing to you, get ready for a video game that makes it all come to life. The game is called Dragonhold, and it's going to let you do all those awesome things. From fast-paced dragon flights to action-packed battles, this game promises to be a thrilling ride. So, let's dive in and talk about what makes this game so special. Here's everything we know about Dragonhold.

What is Dragonhold?

Dragonhold Game

Dragonhold is an upcoming game that is all about exploring a magical world on the back of a dragon. Developed by Exis, the game is envisioned as an epic foray into a mystical world where dragons are not just beasts of legends but companions and formidable war allies. Here, you will have the chance to saddle up and establish an inseparable bond between rider and dragon, immersing yourself in a narrative that promises to be as enchanting as the visuals themselves.

The game is set in an expansive realm filled with enchanted forests, ancient ruins, sprawling cities, and perilous mountains. This isn't just a backdrop for the action; it's a living, breathing world. Players will encounter a range of fantastical creatures and hidden treasures as they explore, making each journey across this vast world an adventure in its own right. The game invites players to not just engage in battles but also to become a part of its rich lore, carving out their own legends and legacies in a universe that rewards exploration as much as it does combat.


Dragonhold will take you on a big adventure full of dragon-riding and fighting. The game has a deep story that we can't wait to learn more about. You start as a new member of the Boundless Order, which is a group of top dragon riders. Your main job is to keep the land safe from bad guys and monsters. Along the way, you'll meet many different characters and make choices that could change the game's outcome.

As you get better at being a dragon rider, you'll travel through many places. One of these is En Gilan, a huge fort near the Januvian Empire. You'll also go into a cave system called Skellmore, home to a creature called the Skell. There's even a floating library called Bel’En. Every place has its own backstory and challenges. You'll not only fight enemies but also learn about the world you're in, making your journey exciting and full of surprises.



Dragonhold looks like it's going to be a super fun game! From the trailer and the details given by the people who made the game, here's a peek into how it might feel to play.

Have you ever wanted to fly on a dragon's back? In Dragonhold, you can! Each dragon is different, with cool moves and powers. Some can breathe fire, while others might have strong claws. So, flying and fighting in the sky with these dragons is going to be super exciting.

But there's more! You won't just be in the sky. On the ground, you'll have to fight enemies using swords and shields. There's a game mode called PvP Supremacy where you and your friends have to protect your base. Some of you will fight on the ground while others stay in the air. It's all about teamwork!

There's also another mode called PvPvE. Here, you can explore big maps, find hidden treasures, and fight big bosses. Moreover, up to 30 players can join you. So, not only will you face monsters but also other players. What's more, as you play, you can find cool items to make your dragon and warrior stronger. In short, Dragonhold seems packed with fun things to do.


The game is being developed by Exis, a Maryland-based indie studio with a track record that inspires confidence. This isn't just any team; they've worked on big, popular games like Fear 3 and Bioshock Infinite. Now, they're putting all their skills and love into creating Dragonhold. It's more than a job for them—it's a dream project they really care about. The team at Exis is doing something cool. They're letting players have a say in how the game turns out. Right now, the game is in an “alpha” stage. That means it's not finished, and there's still work to do. But Exis is asking for feedback from people who play the game, so they can make it even better.

The idea for Dragonhold came from a personal experience. One of the creators had a bad back injury and couldn't walk. During that time, he dreamed about flying and feeling free. That dream became the seed for this game. So, you can tell a lot of heart and personal feeling is going into making Dragonhold. With a team that cares this much, the game is sure to be something special.


Dragonhold - Official Announcement Trailer

The announcement trailer for Dragonhold is really exciting. It shows off the game's amazing world and gives us a quick look at the action. You'll see dragons flying and warriors fighting! If you haven't seen it yet make sure to watch the video embedded above.

Release Date, Platforms & Editions

So, when can we play Dragonhold? Well, we don't have an exact date yet. The team at Exis says the game is in its early testing phase, known as “alpha.” This means they're still working on making the game better and getting rid of any problems. They haven't given us a release date because they want to take the time to make the game as good as it can be.

For now, it's going to be a PC game that you can get on Steam. There's no news yet if it will come out on gaming consoles like PlayStation or Xbox. Also, it won't be a free game—you'll have to buy it. The price isn't set yet, and we don't know if there will be special editions with extra stuff. So, stay tuned for more updates and you can follow the official social media account of Exis here.

So, what's your take on Dragonhold? Are you excited to soar through the skies on the back of a dragon? Let us know your thoughts on our socials here.

Amar is a gaming aficionado and freelance content writer. As an experienced gaming content writer, he's always up-to-date with the latest gaming industry trends. When he's not busy crafting compelling gaming articles, you can find him dominating the virtual world as a seasoned gamer.