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Chivalry 2: 5 Best Tips for Beginners



Beginner tips

It's no secret that we spend the majority of our time playing first-person shooters (FPS). After all, the FPS genre is easily one of the most exploited in gaming. Not all games, however, revolve around guns and grenades. Some simply move the clock back a few hundred years. Yes, we're talking about medieval warfare. The clashing of steel, high-flying arrows, and catapults of course. And only one game turns first-person medieval siege into an all-out warzone. That game is Chivalry 2. And if you're just getting started, these are the beginner tips you'll need to dual enemies, siege castles, and dominate the battlefield.


5. Stick With Your Team

We know it sounds obvious, but sticking with your team is one of the best beginner tips we can give you. Too often, eager players will charge headfirst into battle at the first cluster they see, only to discover that there are six enemies circling two of their teammates. The enemy's heads snap up and onto you, their next target, like a pack of wild dogs. Before you know it, you're being battered from all sides. We hate to say it, but you can't blame your teamates, you walked right into this one.

That is why, if you want to win more fights and have a greater impact on the game, you should stick with your teammates. This way, if you get hurt, there will always be someone on the backline to help you. There's also no problem stepping into 2v2 and 3v3 battles that have dragged themselves out of the huddle. This way, you can intervene and turn the tide in these minor brawls, allowing more players to return to the objective and group as a team. However, if two of your guys are being beaten by a large enemy group, there is no shame in turning away; in fact, we recommend it.



4. Excessive Blocking

Now let's get to the nitty gritty, the clashing of steel. Which is what you'll be doing the majority of the time in Chivalry 2. And if there are any beginner fighting tips we can give you, it is to use your block sparingly and timely. When an enemy is unloading a barrage of attacks, or a group of enemies is attacking from all sides, it's far too common for beginner Chivalry players to just spam hold their block. This may work for a couple rounds of hits, but you'll eventually run out of stamina after that and be a sitting duck.

That's because the longer you hold your block, the faster your stamina depletes. With that, every time you take a hit your stamina decreases. So, if you don't time the release of your block in between the enemy's swings, and just hold it down, you'll quickly be without block stamina. When you block, the shield icon that appears in front of your weapon indicates how much block stamina you have left.

It's also worth noting that performing a heavy attack, which is simply holding down the attack button instead of tapping it, will also drain stamina. If you use this attack, you'll already be low on blocking stamina. So, choose your heavy attacks wisely.



3. Utilize Your Kick

Now it's time to switch sides of the coin for when you come across those players who are consistently blocking. If you use your kick attack, you can temporarily break an enemy's block, allowing you to land a quick hit. This is an excellent way to combat players who just find a way to block your every hit. Throwing in a kick can catch them off guard and disrupt their attack rhythm. You'd be surprised how often this can give you the upper hand in a fight.

Although the kick is good, there are a few things to keep in mind when using it. Kicking does not interrupt an enemy's attack, if you see them kicking, you can counter by throwing an attack because they won't block it. You should also avoid spamming the kick option because it requires enemies to be right in your face for it to land. If they are a few steps back, your kick will not land, leaving you vulnerable. On the other hand, if you notice an opponent becoming overconfident and pushing you too hard, you can use a kick to disrupt their rhythm and take your turn on the attacking side.



2. Weapon Setup

Beginner tips

Night, Vanguard, Footman, and Archer are the four main classes in Chivalry 2. Each of those four classes is further subdivided into three distinct subclasses. The type of weapon setup you have is determined by the class and subclass you choose.

For example, if you choose the Crusader subclass for the Knight, you will have heavy, two-handed weapons with high damage. The disadvantage is that they can not use a shield. If you want to use a shield, you could choose Footman, who receives a Malet or Battle Hammer (among other things) as well as a shield. You could also choose the Guardian subclass for Knight, which allows you to use a shield with a smaller-sized sword.

Each of these classes and weapons has a unique swing speed, attack type, and secondary item. That is why it is important to understand the type of weapon you are using and how to use it. For example, if you're two-handing a sword, you want big hits rather than quick spam attacks. That's for a Footman wielding an agile weapon. So one of the best beginner tips we can give you is to try out all the weapon setups until you find one that is most comfortable for you.



1. Method of Attack

Beginner tips

As we mentioned in the weapon setup section, each weapon has its own set of attacks. And beginner tips to know is that there are ways to combo and switch up your attacks. That way you're not just mindlessly swinging side to side every time. The first method of attack is Drags. If you turn away and drag out your attack as much as possible, you can land the hit a fraction of a second later. This could be the point at which your opponent relents on his block.

Along with Drags, are Excels. This is accomplished by turning into your opponent, allowing your attack to land faster. You can also perform Faints, which involve commanding an attack and then canceling it in order to throw off your opponent. You can then use that awkward moment to get a quick jab in. Morphs are the final method. This occurs when you command one attack and then switch to another. You can do this by selecting another attack option before committing fully to your initial attack.


So, what’s your take? Did these beginner tips help? Are there other beginner tips for Chivalry 2 that we should know about? Let us know in the comments below or over on our socials here!

Riley Fonger is a freelance writer, music lover, and gamer since adolescence. He loves anything video game-related and grew up with a passion for story games such as Bioshock and The Last of Us.