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10 Best Ultra Realistic Games Coming in Unreal Engine 5

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The Witcher 4

Ever since the Unreal Engine 5 hit the gaming world, we’ve had our jaws drop to the ground at the sheer beauty of the quality and visual fidelity of games that make good use of the engine’s power. And not just beauty, but hyperrealism that immerses you in a virtual world that may very well be as real as it gets. Yet the Unreal Engine 5 train hasn’t reached its stop yet. We’re still expecting many more games to come that show the true power of Unreal Engine 5. To find out the games at the top of our minds so far, check out the best new ultra realistic games coming in Unreal Engine 5 below.

10. The Sinking City 2

The Sinking City 2 - World Premiere Trailer | PS5 Games

Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft horror fiction, The Sinking City 2 takes you to the trenches of everything terrible. From fearsome monsters to psychological terror, The Sinking City 2 has it all. I mean, the trailer alone is spine-chilling enough to cause your head to spin. And imagining the game at complete launch only serves to spike up excitement over just how wet your pants are going to be by the credits roll.

Release Date: 2025

9. Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth: WuKong - Official WeGame Event Trailer

From the get-go, Black Myth: Wukong wastes no time showing fully ray-raced water reflections as ambient music plays in the background. There’s definitely a surreal vibe to the worldbuilding in the game, with evidently Unreal Engine 5’s fidelity. You see the sun’s rays illuminate a dark room as real as it would appear in real life. Meanwhile, tree foliage sways in the wind as birds chirp blissfully and unseen. Here’s to hoping Black Myth: Wukong’s world provides the escape it promises into a fantastical virtual world by launch. 

Release Date: August 20, 2024

8. The Witcher 4

The Witcher 4: New Saga™

The Witcher series has always been top-notch, both gameplay- and graphics-wise. Its only fault is that it has been on hiatus mode, rendering The Witcher 3 a little outdated, but still not too bad graphically. Not to worry, though, as The Witcher 4 is currently underway. And with the incorporation of Unreal Engine 5, its fantasy world is only bound to excel.  

Release Date: 2025

7. Nobody Wants to Die

Nobody Wants to Die - Official Reveal Trailer

Set in the year 2329 in New York, Nobody Wants to Die takes you to a dystopian future where everything you can imagine seems possible. Flying cars, transhumans, immortality—you name it. The trailer alone sparks immense intrigue as the lead protagonist, a detective, unravels a ton of dark secrets that infuse conflicts with the powers that be. Doubtlessly, the same trajectory will infuse an internal struggle, too, even as the intoxicating trailer winds down with a haunting “(secrets) that will drag me to hell” story point.   

Release Date: 2024

6. Silent Hill 2 Remake

Silent Hill 2 Remake (PS5) 4K 60FPS HDR (Gameplay Trailer)

Released in 2001, Silent Hill 2 kicked the ball out of the stadium with its riveting, atmospheric vibe, its creepy, spine-tingling perfectly balanced gorefest, and an ever-present mysteriousness shrouded in fog and terror. Now, with the upcoming Silent Hill 2 Remake in Unreal Engine 5, you can enjoy the melancholic but soothing vibe we’ve so desperately wished to see in horror games released over the years.

Release Date: 2024

5. Kingdom Hearts IV

KINGDOM HEARTS 4 - Reveal Trailer @ 4K ✔

Kingdom Hearts fans will soon be swimming in a sea of breathtaking content. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it, since 2019. Now, we can at least hold on to the fact that Kingdom Hearts IV is in the making. The trailer is already out, too, with quite a neat story. Evidently, the sleek visual and character designs help bring the impending doom story arc to life. Here’s to hoping Kingdom Hearts IV will arrive at least before 2025. 

Release Date: 2025

4. Jurassic Park: Survival

Jurassic Park: Survival | Announcement Trailer

One of the most anticipated upcoming games is Jurassic Park: Survival, with its iconic return to the brutal threats of the wild. As terrifying as the movies get, playing the new Jurassic Park: Survival game in Unreal Engine is sure to be a blast. The trailer already looks promising, with facial animations that are surprisingly authentic to real life. Factor in excellent visual effects and, well, overall picture-perfect design and Jurassic Park: Survival can easily scoop up several coveted awards upon launch. 

Release Date: 2024

3. Phantom Blade Zero

Phantom Blade Zero - Announce Trailer | PS5 Games

With only 66 days left to live, Phantom Blade Zero takes you to a world blend of Chinese martial arts with a steampunk vibe. It tasks you with fighting to survive the threats that roam Wulin. Moreover, you’ll have a reason as good as any other—to enact vengeance—as you uncover the dark secrets that lurk ahead. From the trailer, it looks as though every moment you have to spare will be spent decimating one horrifying enemy after another. And probably you’ll have an in-depth skill tree to hone your machete skills as you progress.

Release Date: 2024

2. Exoborne

Exoborne Announcement Trailer

Exoborne is an extraction shooter that features an apocalyptic United States at the brink of destruction. It not only features your everyday run and gun but also cyberpunk warfare infusing extreme forces of nature. So that means getting thrown out of a bus that has been thrust into the air by powerful gusts of wind and tide. It also means ditching your human abilities for implants that give you access to powerful Exo-Rigs. 

Release Date: TBD

1. The Night Wanderer

The Night Wanderer: Official Announcement Trailer

Merging RPG, Soulslike, and Metroidvania gameplay, The Night Wanderer plans to take you on a solo mission on an uncharted planet. Every step you take draws you further into the unknown, whether creepy monsters to fight against or hidden secrets that prove useful in the long run. It’s based on the classic Polish fantasy book series, “Lord of the Ice Garden,” by Jarosław Grzędowicz. Fingers crossed, the final game intrigues as much as the novel. Lord knows gaming is in need of more ultra realistic medieval Polish RPG adaptations

Release Date: 2025

So, what’s your take? Which new ultra realistic games coming in Unreal Engine 5 are you most excited about? Let us know over on our socials here.

Evans I. Karanja is a freelance writer who loves to write about anything technology. He is always on the lookout for interesting topics, and enjoys writing about video games, cryptocurrency and blockchain and more. When not writing, he can be found playing video games or watching F1.