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10 Best Puzzle Games on Roblox

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Best Puzzle Games on Roblox - The Asylum roblox

All work and no play is no good for the soul. But with the myriad puzzle games on Roblox, you can capitalize on both. You can engage with brain teasers as challenging as you like while also having a blast interacting with deep and immersive worlds. Sure, not all puzzle games will hit the mark. However, you can’t go wrong playing either one of the best puzzle games on Roblox down below.

10. Teamwork Puzzles


Teamwork makes the dream work in Teamwork Puzzles as you strive to make it to the end of the game. It crafts different puzzles that require you to work together as a team to beat them, right down to every player getting the chance to press buttons for the game to proceed. You don’t need a massive crowd of players to enjoy Teamwork Puzzles, with options for two-person, three-person, and four-person teams. Once you have your team ready, you’ll dive into rounds of obstacle courses, fun platforming sections, escape room scenarios, and much more.

9. Untitled Door Game


Speaking of escape rooms, you may want to check out Untitled Door Game, a puzzle and skill game that crafts several puzzles to beat. Each puzzle helps you unlock a door using a solution that is hidden in a room. Room by room, you’ll clear increasingly difficult levels, growing exponentially harder every step of the way. But not to worry. You can always bring along friends for the ride.

8. The Smile Room


Beware the massive door in the shape of a smile, with a gaping big set of teeth you must walk into to begin your journey into the unknown. Equal parts survival and horror, Smile Room takes you on a rollercoaster ride. It sends you down multiple tubes with shocking twists and turns as you try to find your way out of the house of horrors. Apparently, those who walk through the gates of the Smile Room have never returned. But you’ll prove history wrong, braving multiple challenges leading up to your escape.

7. Escape Rooms

Roblox escape room…

If you have already played Untitled Door Game or are simply looking for an alternative, Escape Rooms is a great place to go. It crafts over 20 different rooms within which you must ransack for the solution that unlocks a bolted door. You won’t get any hints or the freedom to pause. Once you start playing, it’s a marathon until the end.

6. Colors in Question

ROBLOX Colors In Question (With @KygoDragon)

Another puzzle game on Roblox to play with friends is Colors in Question. It’s a co-op multiplayer game that demands working together with a partner to beat. The main goal at the end of the game is to escape. How you manage to escape is all up to you.

5. Flee the Facility

Flee The Facility Gameplay Trailer

Flee the Facility, on the other hand, spawns you in an unnamed facility. The place has several rooms with hidden vents, locked doors, and accessible windows. Your goal is to explore the facility, making use of the map to find your way around. But to add a touch of urgency, the game unleashes a beast hot on your tail. As a result, you’re forced to run and hide to avoid getting caught. If you’re caught, other players can choose to return to rescue you. Eventually, you’ll need to find a way out of the facility for good.

4. The Mad Murderer

Game Review - The Mad Murderer

The “whodunnit” scenario in puzzle games is nowhere near coming to an end. Several games are based on solving a murder mystery, and The Mad Murder is no different. Yet in this instance, you choose between the roles of the innocent bystander, the sheriff, or the murderer. Innocent bystanders run and hide for their lives. While trying to survive, they may witness the murderer kill someone and report it to the sheriff. Meanwhile, the sheriff tracks down the murderer and brings them to justice. Sheriffs can carry a revolver to defend themselves. But when they are killed, an innocent bystander can take over enforcing the law.

3. Ghost Hunt

Ghost Hunter Trailer

Millions of Roblox players can’t get enough of Ghost Hunt. It brings back the nostalgic days of Ghostbusters, charging you with being on the frontlines of the war against the supernatural. The game takes place at the Morsburg Mental Hospital, a facility built by an ambitious town founder’s son but which at present carries the mysterious secrets of the Morston family. You’ll have nothing but light sources and cameras to go on your ghost-hunting adventure. Be sure to look out for clues and hidden secrets that will help you make sense of history. But also, channel your survival instincts, you’re going to need every arsenal you can get.

2. The Asylum

The Asylum [ROBLOX Game Trailer]

While still on exploration, you may want to check out The Asylum. It’s a puzzle-horror experience that sends you to an abandoned asylum. You’ll step through the doors, clueless about what lies ahead. Thanks to the eerie atmosphere of the game, a constant sense of dread hangs in the air. It raises your reflexes some more as you uncover hidden secrets. So many questions linger, like where did everyone go, what happened to the patients, and many more. One by one, you’ll piece the puzzles together, coming up with a record of the events that led to shutting down the asylum.

1. Puzzle Doors


Puzzle Doors is very much an escape room game like Untitled Door Game and Escape Rooms. It features a series of doors, all of which have a secret code that you need to find to unlock them. The codes can be found hidden in plain sight. But others will need you to examine the objects in the room more closely. Still, some puzzles will be trickier, demanding teamwork to figure them out. All along, Puzzle Doors offers an enjoyable brain teaser experience that builds up momentum the more you play.

So, what's your take on our picks for the best puzzle games on Roblox? What are some of your favorites? Let us know over on our socials here or in the comments below.

Evans I. Karanja is a freelance writer who loves to write about anything technology. He is always on the lookout for interesting topics, and enjoys writing about video games, cryptocurrency and blockchain and more. When not writing, he can be found playing video games or watching F1.