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All SteamWorld Games Ranked




Slightly more than ten years ago, when Image & Form published the first SteamWorld game, you couldn’t tell this was but the beginning of a series of games that scores around the world would love. Retaining the iconic steampunk theme may have been the charm, and all six SteamWorld games have been a resounding success.

All the games in the series share similar aesthetics, and nothing is spared when it comes to mechanics, storylines, and animation details. This way, SteamWorld games have always seemed so familiar yet unique with each subsequent release. The downside is that it can be difficult to settle on one SteamWorld game as the best over the others.

Nevertheless, each SteamWorld game has its own set of merits and demerits. The ranking below considers and weighs factors like sales numbers, user reception, and what critics have to say about the game. Here are all SteamWorld games ranked.

7. SteamWorld Tower Defense

Tower Defense

Starting off our list is SteamWorld Tower Defense, the first game in the series. In what was a first for games in this category, Image & Form introduced steampunk elements in what was traditionally a tower defense genre. Fortunately for Image & Form, this bet paid off, and they carved their niche for a unique and fun game series.

For something released more than ten years ago, SteamWorld Tower Defense has charming characters, which make it more interesting and fun. Players can also expect quite challenging puzzles in the game. On the flip side, one thing has constantly hounded SteamWorld Tower Defense, and it’s what critics term “frustratingly difficult” parts of the game.

To put it into perspective, only one member of the game’s production team has completed it. This might also discourage beginner and intermediate players, who may be intimidated by the challenge. Overall, SteamWorld Tower Defense is fun to play, but it could use some improvement, which is understandable since it was the first game in the series.

6. SteamWorld Build

SteamWorld Build

As the name suggests, SteamWorld Build is a city-building game, but it’s also cross-genre and involves some dungeon crawling. This game is set on an alien planet, and the player’s goal is to grow and sustain the colony while fighting off enemy aliens. At any point in the game, you’ll have your hands full.

Open-world exploration is where SteamWorld Build shines. You can explore the SteamWorld Build environment alone or via the campaign mode, unlocking many secrets and rewards. It may not be obvious initially, and the city building may make it seem casual, but SteamWorld Build can be tough to crack.

SteamWorld Build is a great game, but it requires consistent effort and some tact with your strategies. However, if you ever feel like you can’t go past a certain level, you can always roam in the open world as you try to upgrade your capabilities.

4. SteamWorld Heist

SteamWorld Heist

At number four on our list is SteamWorld Heist. This unique game doesn’t bear much resemblance to others in the series, and the one thing that stands out is it’s a side-scrolling game. This means the characters appear in only two dimensions (2D).

In SteamWorld Heist, the player takes on the role of a smuggler/ pirate character known as Captain Piper Faraday. The plot involves the player recruiting robots for his missions, locating, boarding, and robbing enemy ships after they’ve decimated all enemies.

The game is very simple to play compared to others on this list, and a beginner or intermediate player should fare well. Another feature worth mentioning is the bullet ricochet feature, where bullets can bounce off walls and hit enemies. Similarly, players have access to nearly 100 different weapons, and they can collect up to 100 hats.

3. SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamesh

Hand of Gilgamesh

Set in the SteamWorld universe, SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamesh is an epic game based on a fictional fairy tale focusing more on exploration and fighting evil than city/world building. This game is one of the most positively acclaimed games in the series. Reviewers and critics point to the game’s detailed graphics and intricately woven gameplay, which make it addictive the more you play.

Unlike other games where players only have to aim and shoot, in SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamesh, players must collect punch cards. Yes, you read that right, punch cards! These punch cards are character-specific, and each unlocks a new type of attack. Some parts may be challenging, but you can be certain that SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamesh is fun.

2. SteamWorld Dig

SteamWorld Dig

SteamWorld Dig is the second highest of all SteamWorld games. The game is primarily a platform and mining-based game with occasional puzzle challenges to escape tough encounters with enemies and avoid traps. The game has received positive reviews from various publications, like Official Nintendo Magazine, which rated it 9/10.

As the player mines resources, they can exchange ores for cash and create platforms to avoid enemy attacks. Rusty, the main playable character also needs water occasionally to perform certain feats, and you’ll also need to look for coal and monitor Rusty’s health. In typical SteamWorld fashion, SteamWorld Dig is easy at first, and the missions become challenging along the way, but the rewards make it all worth the trouble.

1. SteamWorld Dig 2

Dig 2

SteamWorld Dig 2 is at the top of all SteamWorld games. Although the game is a sequel to SteamWorld Dig, its plot follows the events in SteamWorld Dig and SteamWorld Heist. In this game, Dorothy, a robot powered by steam, is the main playable character.

Hailed as one of the best steampunk games on Nintendo Switch, SteamWorld Dig 2 is also the only game in the series that can be classified under the Metroidvania sub-genre. If you’re new to the term, this means the game allows players to roam the open world as much as they want, but some sections are hived off until they complete certain levels or missions.

Players must fight bosses, complete tricky puzzles, and explore as much as possible to move forward in SteamWorld Dig 2 and unlock more abilities and perks. This challenge-reward cycle can be very addictive, and before you know it, you’ll be hooked on the game. Image & Form put in the work with SteamWorld Dig 2 mechanics, gameplay, and graphics. Following the positive critical reviews, warm user reception, and the general feel of this game, anyone can conclude that SteamWorld Dig 2 is the best game in the SteamWorld series.

So, what's your take? Do you agree with our order of all SteamWorld Games Ranked? Let us know your thoughts on our socials here.

Cynthia Wambui is a gamer who has a knack for writing video gaming content. Blending words to express one of my biggest interests keeps me in the loop on trendy gaming topics. Aside from gaming and writing, Cynthia is a tech nerd and coding enthusiast.