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Hogwarts Legacy: Friendship Guide

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Hogwarts isn't the same without the Wizards and Witches who make up its core, and that includes you. And, obviously, playing with other spell-casting students improves your overall experience and immersion in the game. That is why you'll certainly want to develop a friendship or two while at Hogwarts. Not only so you don't have to wander the notoriously creepy Forbidden Forests alone, but also because these companions can help you in battle and net you exclusive rewards. So, on that note, we've put together this Hogwarts Legacy friendship guide. So you can learn the in-game tricks and trades for making wizard and witch companions.

4. The Basics

friendship guide

Companions, or friends, in Hogwarts Legacy are other students attending the school of Wizardry and Witchcraft with whom you can befriend. It takes time to grow your friendship with these characters before they will trust you. However, it's well worth it to do so because once you've gained their trust you will be able to ask them to accompany you on a quest. This is huge for giving you an extra hand on difficult quests. Furthermore, they often have unique skills and spells that you don't pose which adds more versatility to fights.

What's more, is that each companion you make will unlock additional side-quests and offer you the chance to learn new skills, spells, and abilities from them. So, in general, you'll want to earn the trust of all of the companions in the game and exhaust each of their benefits. With that said, let's look at who these companions are and how they can help you.

3. Meeting Our Companions

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can form friendships with four characters, one from each of the four houses: Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and, of course, Gryffindor.

  • Natsai Onai – Gryffindor

Natsai Onai is the character with whom you can form a friendship from the Gryffindor house. Originally from Matabeleland, Africa, where she attended the African school of wizardry and witchcraft known as Uagadou. However, when her mother was hired as the professor of Divination at Hogwarts, she inevitably transferred to the school. Natsai's new stomping grounds also indicate that she is most likely looking for new friend.

  • Sebastion Sallow – Slytherin

The alliteration in his name should be a dead giveaway, but Sebastion Sallow is the Slytherin house student with whom you can form a friendship. He has been a student at Hogwarts since the age of 11 and is dealing with a family tragedy that has left his twin sister cursed. Sebastion's unwavering goal is to cure his sister, even if it means plunging into the dark arts to do so.

  • Amit Thakkar – Ravenclaw

Amit Thakkar, from the Ravenclaw house, is a bit buried in the books. This is because he's inspired to become a great wizard historian. Nonetheless, Amit is a trustworthy and knowledgeable friend, though his lack of field experience may cause him to flee in times of danger. That is why it is beneficial to defeat your fair share of trolls on your way to becoming a legendary wizard.

  • Poppy Sweeting – Hufflepuff

Last but not least on our list of friends is Hufflepuff's Poppy Sweeting. Poppy, as one might expect, is a pure soul with boundless compassion for animals. This is from her disdain for her parents, who are poachers. Nonetheless, Poppy is your girl if you're looking for magical beasts and where to find them (pun intended).

2. Relationship Lines


You will cross paths with each of these four companion characters as you progress through the Hogwarts Legacy main story. How you interact with them will determine whether or not you form a friendship with them. Because, as you may know, the dialogue you choose shapes and determines your personal character's personality. In turn, it also determines if you will build and secure a friendship with these characters. As a result, if you chose the appropriate dialogue to befriend one of these companion characters, then you'll make a new friend and unlock Relationship Lines with them.

Relationship Lines are the next step. This is a series of sub-events in the game where you can unlock exclusive side missions linked to the companion characters you befriend. As you progress through the relationship line with each character, you'll be able to unlock exclusive spells, items, and abilities tied to these friendship side quests, which aren't available in any of the main story or main side missions.

It's worth noting that your dialogue will continue to play a role in these Relationship Lines side quests. If you answer incorrectly, you may miss out on the chance to earn the exclusive spells, items, and abilities that these side missions reward you with.

1. Rewards From Each Friendship


There is a list of rewards available from each companion character you befriend in the game. Many of which are still unknown. Nonetheless, these are the rewards we know of that you can earn by befriending each character, unlocking their relationship lines, engaging in their side quests, using the right dialogue, and finally reaping the benefits of your high-demand friendship. Evidently, it's a lot of effort, but also well worth it. Nonetheless, let's see what you can get from each friendship. (Looks like players are going straight for those unforgivable curses).

Natsai Onai:

  • Still Unkown

Sebastion Sallow:

  • Unlock Confringo
  • Unlock Crucio (Can be missable depending on dialogue)
  • Imperio (Can be missable depending on dialogue)
  • Avada Kedavra (Can be missable depending on dialogue)

Amit Thakkar:

  • Still Unkown

Poppy Sweeting:

  • Still Unkown
So, what's your take? Do you agree with our friendship guide? Are there other tips you have for befriending companion characters and completing their relationship lines in Hogwarts Legacy? Let us know in the comments below or over on our socials here!

Riley Fonger is a freelance writer, music lover, and gamer since adolescence. He loves anything video game-related and grew up with a passion for story games such as Bioshock and The Last of Us.