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5 Epic Wizarding Worlds You Should Try Before Hogwarts Legacy

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As the hype surrounding Hogwarts Legacy continues to escalate, fans of the wizarding world are beginning to seek out alternatives to help scratch the itch. Fortunately, the market is made up of such things, and magic folk represent a huge portion of the role-playing world. What that means, of course, is that there are more than enough reasons for you to take a detour before settling on the one journey.

As it goes, Hogwarts Legacy won't be with us for a fair few months. And until its launch day does arrive, we'll have to continue along that golden path of interweaving tales and magical mysteries. Therefore, if you're interested in killing some time while Portkey Games dot the i's and cross the t's, be sure to check out these five equally as compelling wizarding worlds.

5. LEGO Harry Potter Years 1 – 7

LEGO Harry Potter Collection – Launch Trailer | PS4

I think we can all agree that, pre-Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter video games, despite having a multi-billion dollar empire to back it, have never actually received the same tender loving care as the books or movies. If anything, they've been an afterthought; a quick buck for Warner Bros. to cash-in on. The only consolation prize we've received, of course, is the LEGO adaptation, a series that actually made the effort to keep the ship afloat.

It doesn't matter if you're a LEGO fan or not, because stepping through LEGO Harry Potter is the most fun you can have in the celebrated wizarding world right now. With hundreds of characters to play as, the whole of Hogwarts and its famous locations to explore, as well as all seven years of adventures to experience, it becomes an absolute essential for any Potter fan, both old and new. It's a timeless classic, clear as day, and it shines brightest through its addictive multiplayer story mode.


4. Spellbreak

Spellbreak is sure to scratch not just the one itch, but perhaps two, so long as you enjoy forking out hours over on Epic Games' Fortnite. Thanks to the game's polished visuals and combat system that, may we remind you is entirely spell-based, the battle royale debut has all the bells and whistles one would expect from any long-term ambassador of the genre.

On top of the usual spell-slinging combat, the battle royale game also brings a wealthy arsenal of tools and techniques, many of which are controlled with the use of mana. We're talking the power of flight, teleportation, and even invisibility. When meshed together, Spellbreak turns into an all-out free-for-all, where magic and creativity go hand-in-hand.


3. Bayonetta

Bayonetta - PC Launch Trailer

Bayonetta certainly isn't your traditional witchy adventure, nor is it a game that gets the approval of any wizarding world specialist. But it is, however, an intriguing take on such a culture, and it pays its respects to the likes of Scandinavian mythology for its overall structure. And, of course, Devil May Cry for the blatant hack and slash mechanics.

Providing you're able to look past the controversial themes, Bayonetta is well worth visiting, even moreso with the game getting a well-deserved remaster a while back. And if you love witchy protagonists that can shapeshift, wield hundreds of weapons, as well as make any Spandex getup look surprisingly stylish—then it's definitely worth checking out.


2. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Official Trailer

While Skyrim isn't based entirely on wizarding folk and the likes, it does feature its fair share of them, and it generously offers to let you be a small part of the community. If that's what you want to be, then hey—nothing is there to stop you. And that's the beauty of Elder Scrolls: there is rarely any restrictions on how you play the game or what you want to become. And so, sure, if it's a wizard you want to be—then buckle up, because that's your future, right there.

Stepping out into the glorious world that is Skyrim is the beginning to something extraordinary, and it matters not if you've trodden there a dozen times before. Thanks to its classic nonlinear gameplay, you're able to experience a new journey with each passing turn, meaning that wizard fantasy of yours can definitely come to life somewhere along the way. And if that falls through, then there are a thousand other routes ripe for the taking, so long as you don't mind stepping off the beaten path.


1. Alchemist Adventure

Alchemist Adventure Launch Trailer

Alchemist Adventure won't have you casting spells, but brewing up potions and solving dungeons chock-full of puzzles and lore. As a trained alchemist that goes by the name of Mya, you'll find yourself treading the four corners of Isur, a region that houses an abundance of laboratories and mythical creatures.

Over the course of your whirlwind adventure across the spell-soaked land, you'll come to gather valuable knowledge that will aid you in battle against all-powerful monsters. Through the power of alchemy, you'll come to learn of your place in the world of Isur, no matter the cost.


So, what's your take? Do you agree with our top five? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

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Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.