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Stray Souls: Everything We Know



Jukai Studio is currently laying the foundations for a new action-adventure horror game called Stray Souls—a love letter, of sorts, to the likes of Silent Hill and other credible works under the psychological-woven banner. Going by what’s been said, the upcoming thriller will blend a mixture of story-driven scenarios with “Soulslike” combat encounters. Think Silent Hill 2 Remake with a hint of The Evil Within, and you’ll have a rough idea of what they’re attempting to build. Or at least, that’s the impression we’ve received since hearing of its existence a fair ways back, anyway.

Due out this Fall, Stray Souls will be making its debut on all major platforms. However, before you take the plunge and add it to your wishlist, allow us to fill you in on all the key features that it’ll look to implement. Stray Souls: just what is it, and how will it pay tribute to a whole generation of chart-topping horrors? Let’s talk.

What Is Stray Souls?

So, what is Stray Souls? Well, to put it short, it’s a third-person action-horror game, with perhaps more emphasis on the horror aspect than anything else. Built with the full power of Unreal Engine 5 and by some of the industry titans that helped produce some of the most acclaimed horrors on the market, the debut entry will serve as a Souls-meets-Silent Hill conduit, and will be shaping up for a release later this year.


From what we’ve caught from the blurb so far, Stray Souls will tell the tale of Daniel, a teen who’s whisked back to his hometown of Aspen Falls after inheriting his estranged grandmother’s home. However, after bumping into a mysterious traveler who knows every square detail about Daniel and his family’s history, the teen is unexpectedly hurled into a twisted fantasy—a monochrome world in which malicious creatures roam and unsettling landscapes whisper.

“Welcome to Aspen Falls, a small town plagued by a sinister curse devouring everything in its path,” the blurb reads in part. “After inheriting the home of his estranged grandmother on his 18th birthday, Daniel thinks he's won the lottery, but soon discovers luck had nothing to do with it. He's now at the center of a dark ritual that threatens his very existence and must embark on a terrifying journey to uncover the secrets of his past.”

According to Jukai Studio, players will be invited to “explore the town of Aspen Falls and surrounding areas to uncover a malevolent plot set in motion at Daniel's birth.” As for how deep this plot goes is unclear, as are the details surrounding the ill-fated Aspen Falls. Whatever the case may be, we can definitely expect to spend a lot of time moving between realities and chasing down breadcrumb trails to help illuminate the answers.


Having taken a few moments to admire the creepy aesthetics of a deserted family heirloom for a home, it came as a slight shock to me to notice that, although strewn with the odd exploration element, Stray Souls is, more or less, an action game at heart. It’s reminiscent, even, of the modern takes on Resident Evil, what with the over-the-shoulder gunplay and questionably perplexing puzzle sections. But that’s exactly what Stray Souls is: the culmination of several industry favourites bundled into one fully comprehensive love letter. And it works, rather well, at that.

While it is an action-horror game at its core, Stray Souls is also reliant on its abilities to spin a compelling yarn for a narrative. It’ll be interesting to see what comes of it, for sure, and we’re all the wiser now that we know it won’t just be the case of moping about in old family homes and examining dusty  trinkets. There’ll be much more — that’s a given. So, if you’re the type of gamer who thrives on playing hearty horrors right through to the bitter end, then you’ll no doubt find plenty of solid ground to cover here.

In addition to the combat and exploration, Stray Souls will also make room for some level of role-playing, with “branching dialogue options” that shape Daniel’s “tone and personality.” As for how much of an impact this dialogue will have on the outcome of the story is unknown. Either way, we’re excited to see how it all plays out.


Jukai Studio first lifted the veil on its debut project back in 2021, after which it teased fans with a slew of in-game screenshots and a rather gloomy preview. Since making the announcement, both the developer and its publisher Versus Evil have brought a demo of the game to the chalkboard, which boasts a fifteen-minute settling in scenario featuring a mixture of exploration and action. If all goes according to plan, then the final product should be ready for release by year’s end. But more on that shortly.


Stray Souls - Official Announce Trailer

Thanks to the ID@Xbox Showcase that aired earlier this week, we do at least have some footage of the game. Interested? You can catch a glimpse of what’s to come in the trailer embedded above.

Release Date, Platforms & Editions

Stray Souls will be heading to Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam in Fall 2023. As for when in the autumn period it’ll be launching has yet to be confirmed, though the general consensus seems to point towards an October date. It’d make sense, what with the Halloween season being the go-to choice for most indie horrors.

At the time of writing, neither Jukai Studio nor Versus Evil have mentioned anything about bringing any special editions to the table. If this changes, then news is likely to spread a little closer to the time of its launch. August, maybe September, if we’re lucky.

Interested in staying up to date with Stray Souls? If so, then be sure to check in with Jukai Studio over on its official social feed here. If anything changes ahead of its launch, we’ll be sure to fill you in on all the details right here on


So, what’s your take? Will you be picking up a copy of Stray Souls when it launches later this Fall? Let us know your thoughts over on our socials here.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.