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What is a High Card Hand in Poker? (May 2024)

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A high card hand is the weakest poker hand you could have. This is not to say that you still cannot win with a high card hand, but the odds are against you. However, the possibility of landing a high card hand is high, so you may find yourself in a situation where you may win with a high card hand. Even if it seldom comes, you should know how high card hands work and how to use them to your favour.

What is a High Card Poker Hand

Your high card hand has no flush, straights, or pairs of any kind. Here are some high card hand examples:

  • 2 of Hearts, 4 of Diamonds, 4 of Clubs, 5 of Clubs, Jack of Spades

9 is the high card, 6 is the second-highest, or the kicker

  • 3 of Spades, 6 of Clubs, 7 of Hearts, 10 of Diamonds, Jack of Spades

Jack is the high card, 10 is the kicker

  • 5 of Spades, 7 of Clubs, 9 of Diamonds, 10 of Hearts, Queen of Hearts 

Queen is the high card, 10 is the kicker

  • 7 of Spades, 9 of Diamonds, 10 of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, King of Spades

King is the high card, Jack is the kicker

  • 8 of Hearts, Jack of Spades, Queen of Clubs, King of Diamonds, Ace of Hearts

Ace is the high card, King is the kicker

None of these hands have a pair, and almost all of them are 1 or 2 cards short of scoring a straight. Such is the case with high card hands, as they are usually within touching distance of a better hand.

What Beats a High Card Hand

All other hands beat a high card hand. In descending order, these are the following:

  1. Royal Flush
  2. Straight Flush
  3. Four of a Kind
  4. Full House
  5. Flush
  6. Straight
  7. Three of a Kind
  8. Two Pair
  9. One Pair

High Card Hand Probabilities

There are a total of 1,302,540 possible high card hands you can land in a single deck of cards. The likelihood of you ending up with a high card hand is 1 in 4.74. It is actually more common to land one pair than it is a high card hand. For this reason, it is extremely risky to play.

How to Use a High Card Hand

Though this may be the weakest hand, there are some instances in which you can get more out of it. It is impossible to know what type of hand you will have once the communal cards are drawn. Therefore, you do not know whether you will have a high card hand or not. If you win with a high card hand, then most of the time it is through your bluffing skills and not the cards themselves. It is vital to keep concentration and choose when you are going to make a move. Folding is usually the best call, but if you want to bluff it, timing is everything.


You cannot know ahead of time whether you will be riding towards a high card hand or not. But one thing is clear: you do not have a pair in the hole.

As you are already in the round, you are in a prime position to see how the other players fare in the first betting cycle. If there is a raise and you decide to meet it, then you go to the flop. It is usually better to wait for the flop unless you have really low-ranking cards, such as a 7-high or lower. Whether you continue depends on how much the stake has been raised.

The Flop

At the flop, you will get a good idea of where the round is heading. If you still do not make one pair, then you are in danger of ending up with a high card hand. You should not be afraid to throw away your cards at this point. However, if you are going to start a round of bluffing, now is probably the best time to start. This is only if you do not see a run-up for a flush or straight in the communal cards. If there is, and you do not have the cards to make that 5-card flush or straight, you are running dangerously.

The Turn

After the turn is dealt, there is only one communal card left to draw. Should the turn still not give you at least a pair, then you are in big trouble. The chances of that final card matching up with either of your hole cards is low. Hopefully, you have not put a lot of money in the pot. Depending on how many opponents are still left in the round, and how much you are willing to risk, you can make a bluff.

River and Showdown

Once the river is shown, you will know whether you have a high card hand or not. At this point, you need to assess the cards and calculate the possibility of someone else having a better hand. It is easily possible that someone has a pair. Therefore, move wisely. If you have your eyes on the pot, you have to move aggressively. If there is a remote possibility of someone having a straight or flush, then hold back. Even if someone has a three of a kind, the straight and flush rank higher.

Best Case Scenario

Your best bet to win with a high card hand is if you own the high card and a good kicker in your hole cards. If you have an Ace at the showdown, you are probably going to win. King, Queen and Jack are also good, but nothing beats Ace. Say your high card has the same value as the other player. You will need a higher-ranking kicker to beat the player. An Ace and King are the best hole cards.

Worst Case Scenario

The worst case is if your hole cards are low ranking. The communal cards can be used by you or the other player. This means that the cards in the middle of the table will not help you. 2 and 3 are the worst hole cards.


The best strategy is to avoid ending up with a high card hand. It may win you some blinds and maybe even a round or two, but it is not a moneymaker. If you suspect that you will end up with a high card hand, you are better off folding.

Lloyd is passionate about online gambling, he lives and breathes blackjack and other table games, and he enjoys sports betting.