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5 Video Game Easter Eggs Nobody Understands

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5 Video Game Easter Eggs Nobody Understands

Easter eggs in video games need no introduction. The fame involved in the hunt for those eager to find and enjoy the Easter eggs is unmoving. Here, only the most relentless players ever get to unlock these gifts and learn their mysteries. However, there are times when the Easter eggs become a confusing mystery. Today, we list and explore five video game easter eggs nobody understands.


5. Metro Exodus: The Random 9/11 Reference

Metro Exodus - 9/11 Easter Egg

Referring to a massive terror attack like 9/11 is probably one of the cruelest “jokes” one can ever play. This is one of those moments where the developers of Metro Exodus have somehow crossed it. The reference is seen in the Caspian desert in the communications bunker map room. You will spot a mini airplane placed in the 9th column in the 2001 row. What the players couldn't grasp is why they had it at all. What intention did the 4A Games developers have?

The apparent reference to the 9/11 attack got players from around the world debating about the scenario. Some wondered whether the developers were trying to make some sort of joke. Or was it simply a reference indicating the end of an old era using a worldwide popular event? The developers of Metro Exodus never came forward to explain the confusion. Luckily, this event didn't escalate further to mess up the reputation of 4A Game developers.

Nevertheless, the reason for referencing such a horrific time is simply unexplainable. Bottom line, we can agree the reference was one messed-up egg that didn't have to exist for whatever reason.


4. The Evil Within: The Giant Pig

The Evil Within easter egg - Giant Pig

Uncovering the Giant Pig in The Evil Within is one of those peculiar Easter eggs players are still wrapping their heads around. While the game is an arcade of weirdness, their giant pig Easter egg is just another level of creepiness.

The fourth chapter of the game is where it all goes down. Although not essential in unlocking the pig's gift, start by saving a woman being dragged into a fireball. After the good deed, kill the other woman by the fireplace. Then they proceed to kill and torch three women's corpses hung in the sheds nearby. Now, go back to the fireplace to meet the unnerving giant pig.

The pig got attention for its enormous and tall stature. It was so big that it outweighed the player's character size. While killing the pig came with goodies, it remains quite an unexplainable character in the game.


3. Doom 3: They Took My Baby

Doom 3 - They Took My Baby

Doom 3 is a frightening enough game to make you want to pee your pants. Nevertheless, the sci-fi horror first-person shooter has a memorable secret for those who dare venture off the critical path in Alpha Labs. And back to our series of peculiar easter eggs. Let's see how it unfolds in Doom 3. In the fourth area of the laboratories, you'll hear a voice saying, “Come here.” When you turn around, you'll see bloody footprints from an invisible force on the ground. The footprints fade, and the voice repeats, “They took my baby.” Just then, you hear the cries of a child, which quickly turns into a hysterical laugh.

Without any further context in the game to explain the behavior, it's pure nightmare fuel. For its eerie uncertainty, this short scene is undoubtedly scarier than any of the Hell-sent monsters you'll have to face throughout the adventure.


2. System Shock 2: The Robot Doing the Macarena

System Shock 2 - The Macarena Robot

While System Shock 2 doesn't have many Easter eggs, it made one of them count by including one, making players wonder about the fundamental nature of the game's environment. If you travel to the blue window by the shuttles during your third year of service when stationed at the Orbital Space Station and look closely, you'll witness a protocol droid dancing, the Macarena dance.

In addition to being the game's most terrifying scene, it raises the mind-boggling question of why we discuss the Macarena dance in 2022. Is it plausible that the Macarena will still resonate in the collective consciousness of our descendants almost 100 years from now? The Macarena peaked in the late 1990s when the game was released and petered out relatively quickly. While it is still remembered today as a nostalgic relic, is it plausible that it will be?

Sure, it's more of a stupid joke than anything. Still, even 25 years after the game's release, it has evolved into an intriguing cultural artifact, a sad reminder that the Macarena may outlive us, our children, and even our grandchildren.


1. Grand Theft (IV) Auto: The Statue of Happiness’ Beating Heart

GTA IV hidden secret - Beating heart of the statue of happiness

Many of the bizarre Easter eggs in the Grand Theft Auto series are at least self-explanatory parodies that don't leave much to the player's imagination. There is also the Statue of Happiness in GTA IV, a parody of the Statue of Liberty that entrepreneurial players can visit by utilizing a helicopter to ascend to a higher platform. Players will notice a sign upon entry that reads, “No secret content this way,” leading to a ladder that will lead them to the enormous beating heart of the Statue of Happiness.

This makes it evident that the statue is somehow alive, which might seem like a funny joke. Considering the heart is tied to the statue's interior, the scenery becomes more unsettling, raising depressing questions for gamers. While shooting the heart will make it spout some blood, none of the game's weapons can stop it from beating or damaging it, making it appear indestructible. Nearly 15 years later, it is clear that this was intended to be a complete WTF Easter egg that would have fans discussing it for all time. The GTA IV parody film “Capolavoro” did contain a brief return of the heart.

Do you agree with the list of Easter eggs nobody understands? Are there other video games Easter eggs you’d recommend? Share your thoughts with us on our socials here or down in the comments below.



Evans I. Karanja is a freelance writer who loves to write about anything technology. He is always on the lookout for interesting topics, and enjoys writing about video games, cryptocurrency and blockchain and more. When not writing, he can be found playing video games or watching F1.