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Let’s Build A Zoo: 5 Tips For Beginners



Let's Build A Zoo is a game where players can do just that. Players can customize and build their enclosures to their heart's content. The game also grants the player the ability to purchase and breed different animals. Through this breeding system, players can access rare varieties of the various animals within the game. So without further ado, here is Let's Build A Zoo: 5 tips for beginners.

5. Staffing Is Very Important

Staffing in Let's Build A Zoo is crucial to the player's success. Whether hiring the appropriate staff member to tend to the correct animal or a person with the suitable occupation for the job, some solid recommendations for which staff to start with are the Janitors and the Animal Keepers. Ensuring you have these roles filled will ensure that the animals in your zoo are well taken care of.

One of the most important reasons for having janitorial staff is that visitors to your zoo will haphazardly throw trash everywhere. This tends to make the overall environment a mess. This is undoubtedly not something that a successful zoo wants to have to happen. So it is very wise for the player to invest in preventative measures. Also, it should be a no-brainer that the animals within your zoo have to eat, which makes Animal Keepers vital to your cause. Gathering these two types of workers early will put you on track to becoming more successful. This is why it serves as our first tip on our list of Let's Build A Zoo: 5 Tips For Beginners.


4. Buying Buses Early

Buying buses early is one of the most important tips we can advise for Let's Build A Zoo. seeing as you are a zoo manager, zoos would not do well without people visiting to fund operations. This is vital to success; that being said, transport of the patrons of your zoo is one of the best ways to ensure success early on. This quickly becomes a balancing act, however. If you order too many buses, the zoo becomes congested and doesn't allow certain people to get in.

This balancing act can make or break the player's zoo. As if too many people come by, overcrowding will ensure many problems for the zoo owner. Too few, and the revenue stream will dry up, which players also don't want to happen. It is for this reason that we believe in buying buses early. It can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful zoo. Whether or not this happens depends almost entirely on the player, however. Making it our second tip on our list, Let's Build A Zoo: 5 tips for beginners.


3. Unlocking Research Hubs

Unlocking Research Hubs is a surefire way to get your zoo the necessary resources. Able to create various upgrades for your zoo as well as new enclosure types, decorations, and building, the research hub is very versatile in its use. Players can also improve the quality of life for their animals by using this system to create various upgradable pieces of equipment and make it one of the best ways to enhance your gameplay and zoo.

Players can enrich the lives of their animals using this hub. With such essential mechanisms as water sprinklers and feeders, this system cannot and should not be ignored by the player. Players will also be able to use this system to unlock and build different restaurants for the zoo's patrons. This is key to ensuring that they stay as long as possible and have less reason to leave. In short, unlocking the research hubs is a way that players can get endgame utility out of early game systems and items. Making it the third tip on our list, Let's Build A Zoo: 5 tips for beginners.


2. Invest in Nurseries

Investing in Nurseries will ensure that players have an abundance of adorable creatures to choose from and raise to be a part of their zoo. The nursery system also allows you to breed animals with favorable traits for the player. This can manifest itself in many different ways. This is vital to becoming successful because a variety within your animal population will help the incoming flow of visitors to your zoo. This, in turn, will make owning and operating your zoo more lucrative for the player.

You may also trade animals that are of a specific breed or genotype. Doing so will raise their value within the trade, offering the player more bang for their buck. It is also true that players are not limited to just one nursery. If they have the resources, they can build multiple nurseries, which is sure to help aid in the running of their zoo. In addition, players who invest in the Ultrasound upgrade for their nursery can see which variants will be born early. For this reason, investing in nurseries is solid advice in Let's Build A Zoo.


1. Obtaining the Correct Enclosures

Ensuring players have the correct enclosures for their animals is vital to their livelihoods. These enclosures can range in scale and function, each section being the best for a specific animal type. Learning this early on is imperative, and implementing it to improve your zoo. In addition, learning these lessons early will ensure the longevity of your animals which is very important to revenue stability. It is that very stability that will feed back into the quality of your zoo.

In closing, obtaining the correct enclosures for your animals is essential and cannot be understated. While it may seem like a minute piece of the puzzle, it is anything but. Allowing your animals to live longer and happier is excellent for the player and the animals. Caring for animals is at the heart of what Let's Build A Zoo is all about. For that reason, we believe that obtaining and building the correct enclosures is the number one tip on our list.


So, what's your take on our list? Let's Build A Zoo: 5 tips for beginners? Let us know on our socials here or in the comments below.

Judson Holley is a writer that began his career as a ghostwriter. Returning to the mortal coil  to work among the living. With some of his favorite games being tactical FPS games such as Squad and the Arma series. Although this could not be further from the truth as he enjoys games with deep stories such as the Kingdom Hearts series as well as Jade Empire and The Knights of the Old Republic series. When not attending to his wife, Judson often tends to his cats. He also has a knack for music mainly composing for and playing piano.