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It Takes Two Creator Says He’ll Give Players $1000 If They Get Bored

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You know a developer is proud of their work when they quite literally offer up cash to those not willing to complete it. That's practically unheard of in this day and age. And yet, A Way Out creator Josef Fares has taken to the media to express his confidence in the upcoming co-op game. In fact, he's so sure that players will enjoy the game, that he's mentioned paying anyone who grows tired of it $1000. Yes, a thousand dollars for not completing it out of boredom.

Of course, this watered-down promise all stems from the previous statistics from A Way Out, where only 51% of players finished the actual game. Although believed to be an admirable achievement, Fares made it clear that the remaining 49% shouldn't have even been a factor. In his mind, every player should've seen the story through to its conclusion. But now, the creator is confident that the upcoming title will “blow our minds away”, as said in a promotional video from EA.

It Takes Two Official Reveal Trailer

Josef Fares talks about A Way Out…

“I know people came up to me and said, ‘wow it's fantastic that 51 percent of players in A Way Out finished the game,' and they told me that that's an extremely high percentage number, but actually it saddens me. That means that 49 percent of people didn't finish it. It's not something I should be happy about,” Fares admitted.

“That's another thing that I can guarantee you with It Takes Two: It's impossible, and quote me on this, to get tired of this game. You can put this as the headline. I can literally give 1,000 bucks to anyone who says, ‘Oh, I'm tired of this game now because it doesn't surprise me.' One thousand bucks! I guarantee. I'll give it to everyone who gets tired. But they have to be honest about it.”

Of course, we can take every word with a pinch of salt — otherwise, the creator will more than likely be out of pocket by April. Even still, it's great to see such confidence in the gaming industry, and we're more than ready to see what lies in store for the quirky little co-op title. It sure does look like quite the tale. We'll be sure to roll out the red carpet for it next month. And, we'll also be keeping an eye on how many $1000 refunds the creator dishes up post-launch.

It Takes Two is set to launch on March 26th on Xbox, PlayStation and Windows.


Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.