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Evil Genius 2: 5 Best Tips for Beginners

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Conquering the world certainly isn't an overnight ordeal. And as it turns out, such ambitious feats are equally as tough to achieve in Evil Genius 2: World Domination without the right tips on hand. Pay the toll, however, and the rewards can be immeasurable—highly beneficial for your flourishing empire, even.

So, how do you turn those twisted visions into a full-fledged evil empire? Well, it isn't an easy task by any means, nor is one that you'll be able to overcome on your own. To make it easier, though, here are the five go-to Evil Genius 2 tips you should take into account before gearing up to take on the world.

5. Divide and Conquer Business and Pleasure

To build your evil empire, you're going to need to divide your time between business and pleasure; the latter half being what will bring you a passive income to further fund your twisted expeditions. The only downside to running a casino within close proximity of your empire, of course, is that gamblers tend to wander—and they're not exactly cursed with bad sight, either. To this end, you will need to learn how to keep a lid on your evil schemes to prevent them from being exposed to the average consumer.

When first starting out, you'll want to build a divider, of sorts, to help keep your vaults and your loyal followers from being discovered. A solution to this, really, is to build additional corridors, or perhaps even a ward of fake locker rooms, to help disguise the atrocities being brewed from the other end of the veil. This will not only keep your bad habits under wraps, but it'll also keep your slot-loving customers pouring coins into your back pocket. So, before embarking on a quest to dominate the monopoly, be sure to establish that divider.

4. Don't Be Afraid to Get Mean

You're an evil tyrant, so doing mean things sort of comes with the territory. One way of asserting your dominance, for example, is to publicly execute one of your minions for not pulling their own weight. If you can do this, and in the presence of other witnesses no less, then you'll boost team morale indefinitely. Oh, and not to mention free up some additional space in your roster for a slightly more competent worker.

Public executions can be a great way to instill fear among the ranks, as well as make room for new technicians and other lackeys to pick up the slack. It also means less body bags lying about, which alone is a solid reason to avoid mindlessly slaughtering from the shadows. So, do yourself a favor and make punishments a spectator sport.

3. Scientists and Technicians Are Key

To make a serious dent in the criminal underworld, you're going to need minions — and a lot of them. And not just any fish-out-of-water minions, but highly trained technicians that'll keep your operations afloat even when you're not around to call the shots. To lighten the burden, you need only hire two relatively large units, each consisting of technicians and scientists. Having both types of minion in your back pocket will not only open the door to new innovations, but also keep them in working order when finally implemented.

It goes without saying that, if you have the cash to spare, then hiring a solid workforce is vital. And while you will also need to factor in security measures, you should be respectful of your technicians and scientists; they keep the business booming, and are hired to usher you toward a final objective—an endgame, so to speak. So, when it comes to building your crack team, don't skimp out on the key workers.

2. Think Outside the Box

Unlike other city-building games, Evil Genius 2 asks that you keep your grand designs to a minimum. That isn't to say you can't build a lair fit for a supervillain, though. However, doing so can in fact bring drastic conclusions—especially if discovered by one of the opposing factions. To this end, you'll need to think outside the box when it comes to drawing up the blueprints for your empire.

As you'll come to learn, Agents and Investigators like to make a habit out of infiltrating your lair. To stop this, you'll need to establish a line of defense; traps, mazes, and additional security measures, can be an excellent way to impede their progress. In other words, don't put your vaults right next door to your legitimate operations. Your ultimate goal, really, is to conceal just about every evil asset from the public, and essentially make it impossible to reach unless authorized by an official.

1. Don't Obliterate the Enemy

As tempting as it may be to completely obliterate any potential intruder that sneaks into your lair, it's actually more beneficial to keep them alive. Why? Well, because Agents and Investigators actually hold valuable information, which can be vital to your future operations. So, rather than eliminating them on the spot and initiating mass warfare right out in the hallway, be sure to think before you act. If you can pull it off in the correct manner, then you'll come to realize that interrogations are a means to an end—a stepping stone, of sorts, that will help you unravel disclosed intel and stay ahead of the opposition.

Of course, depending on the evil genius you select at the beginning of your journey, some interrogations can actually run a lot smoother than others. And that's another thing you'll need to figure out; the villain you'll want to play as. Just note that each of them have certain skills and powers that keep them apart from their peers. So, before doing anything at all, make sure you're aware of who you're playing as.


So, what's your take? Care to share any tips on how beat Evil Genius 2: World Domination? Let us know your thoughts over on our socials here.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.