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Gaming Industry Value Exceeds $300 Billion After Pandemic Surge

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Say what you want about the gaming industry — but it's times like these that make us realise how important the platform is to us as a species. Plus, as social distancing guidelines continue to plague our daily routines and draw us away from the sunlight and back into our own homes — people are looking to video games now more than ever to stay occupied during these unprecedented times. And it's because of this general incline in interest over the last twelve months, that the industry as a whole has suddenly gone on to reach mouth-watering heights.

With the rise of mobile gaming playing a major role in the groundbreaking statistics this past year, the industry is expecting to see an even wider surge in players by 2023. With an already established base of 2.7 billion players on a global scale, the market is honing in on that awe-inspiring trillion-dollar milestone. As it stands today, however, the market has just tippled over the $300 billion marker. But, as you could probably imagine — those figures are only likely to double over the next decade or so — especially with the turn of the next-gen hardware coming to the market.

Thanks to Covid-19, it seems to be as good a time as any to pursue a gaming career.

Accenture reports…

As reported by Accenture, the video games industry is looking to employ a further 400 million players by the end of 2023. Of course, that's not an enormous feat to achieve, considering more than half a billion players have been enrolled in the gaming universe over the past three years alone. But as with any form of drawn-out statistics — only time will be able to give us a true indication of which way the media is coursing towards.

That said, with the way things are shaping up in the gaming community at the moment — it's incredibly likely that the suggested figures will be conquered in no time at all. But we'll just have to see about that as the year progresses, of course. Whatever the case, it's fair to say that the gaming industry as a whole is on the up and up — and that 2021 is a simple stepping stone to what should be an even bigger horizon.

You can read the full report surrounding the statistics here. Or, if you're planning on sticking around a while, you could always take a look at these gaming lists:

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.