存根 PlayStation Plus 上 10 款最佳平台遊戲(2024 年 XNUMX 月) - Gaming.net


PlayStation Plus 上 10 款最佳平台遊戲(2024 年 XNUMX 月)

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Sackboy:大冒險 PlayStation Plus 上的最佳平台遊戲

In today’s 3D gaming world, platforming games have become more immersive. It’s no longer a mere “move your character from point A to B” affair, but rather, jumping through hoops to get to the end of a stage. You’ll leap over gigantic chasms and slay formidable enemies. Whether horizontal or vertical platforming, today’s entries come up with clever ways to string together the traditional run-and-jump controls and include more complex movements like air dashes and triple jumps. Check out the best platforming games on PlayStation Plus you won’t want to miss out on.

10. 空洞騎士:虛空之心版

空洞騎士:虛空之心版 - 公告與遊戲預告 | PS4

空心騎士:虛空之心版 is the name for the console version. At its core, though, it's similar to the 空心騎士 version you may have played on PC. The game has won several awards for its compelling story and challenging gameplay. You control the Knight, an insectoid warrior who explores the fallen kingdom of Hallownest, plagued by a supernatural disease. You have the freedom to play the game however you want. However, you’ll need extra patience to see through the first stages. With time, though, you’ll get the hang of the gameplay, and then the true fun begins.

9. 雷曼傳奇

《雷曼傳奇》發布預告片 [美國]

Come along on Rayman, Globox, and the Teensies' newest adventures. They trip over a mysterious tent packed with invigorating paintings. Each painting transports you into a different world, where you’ll run, jump, and fight off enemies to save the day. You’ll find lots of secrets in each painting, waiting for you to unravel. Plus, the level designs themselves, complete with wondrous sea monsters, giant toads, and dragons, seldom disappoint. With 雷曼傳奇 gang banding together again, feel free to bring a real-world friend along for the ride, with up to four players able to play at once.

8. 聲波前沿

索尼克前沿 - 故事預告片 | PS5 和 PS4 遊戲

The fastest blue hedgehog returns in 索尼克前沿. It kicks off with worlds colliding and Sonic’s friends getting sucked through a wormhole. You’re tasked with exploring lush and vast open-zone biomes, collecting the Chaos Emeralds, and taking on hordes of formidable enemies. While 索尼克前沿’ world is jaw-dropping in its own right, platforming remains the star of the show. It combines tricky level designs and lightning-fast speeds, ensuring that your time in the game is spent, often always, in the action.

7. 棘輪與叮噹聲

《瑞奇與叮噹》- 故事預告 | PS4

瑞奇和叮噹 are one of the most revered duos in gaming. Everywhere they go, they often wind up on an unforgettable adventure across the universe. This time, you can relive Lombax and his robotic sidekick’s story with a fresh take on their origins, new boss battles, new flight sequences, more action, and excellent voice acting from the Ratchet & Clank 2016 movie. So, if you enjoyed the PS2 棘輪和叮噹聲 (2002) version, 棘輪和叮噹聲 (2016) only elevates the experience with stunning visuals.


《古惑狼 4:是時候了》——遊戲發布預告片 | PS4

Crash Bandicoot and his sister Coco return to stop the evil scientists, Doctor Neo Cortex and Doctor Nefarious Tropy, from using the potent Quantum Masks to take over the multiverse. As soon as you boot up the game, nostalgic memories of the ‘90s maps come streaming in. You can tell the developing team really went hard at keeping the essence of Crash intact. But also, it feels modern, perfectly catering to any newcomers to the series.

5. Sackboy:大冒險

Sackboy:大冒險 - 故事預告 | PS5

Sackboy is finally the star of his own show, Sackboy:一次大冒險, after playing the side-mascot in 小小大星球. And he does a fine job, too, infusing lots of creative ideas and a charming sense of style. Indeed, Sackboy:一次大冒險 lives up to its name, with curative vast worlds packed with powerups and plenty of collectables. Plus, you rush against time to the beat of upbeat pop songs and an excellent soundtrack.

4. 需要兩個

它需要兩個 - 官方遊戲預告片

It would be a shame to skip over 難兄難弟, with its scooping of numerous awards speaking for themselves. The game perfectly balances teamwork between partners, as you follow the couple Cody and May’s unstable relationship and their efforts to grow closer via platforming challenges. The story not only speaks to real-world relationship challenges you may be facing but also ensures to infuse the rollercoaster of emotions Cody and May experience with the obstacles you have to go through to get to the end of each level.

3. 奇異世界:新奇美味

奇異世界安倍的奧德賽新美味! -- 發布預告片 | PS4

Revamped and improved for a contemporary audience, Oddworld:新的'n'美味 follows the adventures of Abe, the original hero from Oddworld: Abe’s Odyssey (1998). It retains the original story, with Abe narrowly escaping the treacherous factory farm where he works and then returning to rescue his co-workers. However, the remake feels much more seamless, with better visuals and tricky puzzle platforming sections to get beat.

2. 使者

《信差》- 遊戲預告 | PS4

Step into the shoes of a ninja whose goal is to deliver a scroll paramount to saving his clan. While the story is quite interesting, the gameplay steals the show. It introduces a fresh concept of kicking off with a retro 8-bit style that gradually transitions to 16-bit mid-game. The transition is seamless, perfectly capturing the nostalgic mechanics and graphics of each era in gaming.

1. 行人

《行人》- 遊戲狀態預告片 | PS4

Alternatively, you can play 行人, a platformer that continues to evolve in mechanics and complexity the more you play. It pushes you to think through puzzles and apply the lessons learned to future ones. In that sense, 行人 feels hugely rewarding. Stunning graphics and creative puzzles are a plus for an out-of-the-box experience. The first stages are easier. Later on, new mechanics are introduced that add depth to the gameplay. Yet, however complex the puzzles grow, they never feel unfair. Can you use the street signs at your disposal to puzzle your way out of complex scenarios?

So, what's your take? Do you agree with our top five? Are there other platforming games on PlayStation Plus that you think are the best? 請在下面的評論中或在我們的社交媒體上告訴我們!

埃文斯·卡蘭賈 (Evans I. Karanja) 是一位自由撰稿人,喜歡撰寫有關技術的任何內容。他總是在尋找有趣的話題,並喜歡撰寫有關視頻遊戲、加密貨幣和區塊鏈等的文章。不寫作時,他會玩電子遊戲或觀看 F1。