存根 Best Mario Games of All Time, Ranked - Gaming.net



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馬里奧 遊戲總是讓人回味無窮。無論哪種 馬里奧 您享受的體驗,特許經營似乎總是兌現其承諾。他是否正在從鮑澤手中拯救桃子公主。除了各種滑稽動作之外,深受喜愛的角色似乎總能找到進入玩家內心的方法。雖然這些遊戲的玩法可能有所不同,但有一件事是肯定的。這 馬里奧 遊戲本身絕對是標誌性的。因此,為了表達對這個系列的熱愛,以下是我們精選的 Nintendo Switch 上 5 款最佳馬裡奧遊戲.

5. Princess Peach: Showtime!

Princess Peach: Showtime! – Overview Trailer – Nintendo Switch

桃子公主:表演時間到了! puts players back in control of Princess Peach. The game takes Peach on an adventure with a ribbon named Stella. She also gains the ability to become different versions of herself. This includes a ninja, detective, and mermaid. These abilities help Peach to traverse the different levels with ease. Players enjoyed the fund playstyle that the different variations of Peach offered throughout the games creative levels.

The game all takes place when the evil Grape attacks the theatre Peach is visitng. Peach, agrees to help restore the theatre, but most go through a variety of levels and challenges to do so to retrieve the Sparkles. Players looking for a different type of Mario game will be delighted with 桃子公主:表演時間到了!

4. 超級瑪利歐兄弟想知道

超級瑪利歐兄弟Wonder - 任天堂直面會 6.21.2023

超級馬里奧兄弟奇蹟 is an easy fan favorite.  The game is a side-scrolling adventure featuring Mario and friends as they try and retrieve the Wonder Flower. This takes place in the never-before-seen Flower Kingdom. There are some new abilities to play with like the ability to turn into an elephant and use bubbles to capture enemies. Players can also get a hold of a drill that allows them burrow through the ground, even avoiding some enemies.

The game uses the powers of the Wonder Flower to further create new obstacles.  These include horde spawns and wacky bending pipes. There is also a badge system in place to give players new advantages, adding further to the variety of new gameplay elements 懷疑 offers. The game even offers twelve-player couch co-op, with four players being able to play through a level at once. This offers a great way to spend time with friends and family and helped 懷疑 to become an instant hit.

3. 紙片馬里奧:千年之門

紙片瑪利歐:千年之門 – 概述預告片 – Nintendo Switch

紙片馬里奧:千年之門 is a classic hit remade for Nintendo Switch. The game features a robust party system with enemies becoming friends. In the game, Mario travels to Rogueport, a never-before-seen location. Soon afterward, he learns that he needs to save Princess Peach once again and gather the Crystal Stars. The game's story is told through chapters with an emphasis on lore and world-building. Mario will visit a range of towns, all inhabited by what would usually be his enemies.

The game has turn-based combat and a badge system to give Mario different abilities. Each partner has their own uses in and out of battle. There are also plenty of side activities like learning recipes or gambling at a casino. The remake takes the classic game and gives it a fresh look, with some newer visuals to help the story pop. Players who are looking for a title with a lot of action and a bit of challenge should check out 紙片馬里奧:千年之門.


馬里奧賽車 8 Deluxe - Nintendo Switch 演示 2017 預告片

馬里奧賽車 是一個精彩且備受讚譽的卡丁車賽車系列賽,以各種不同的地區為背景 任天堂 特性。玩家將能夠扮演自己最喜歡的角色,在賽道上進行縮放。差點試圖避開障礙。這款遊戲可以是休閒樂趣的遊戲,也可以是激烈競爭的遊戲,這非常好,因為它允許玩家選擇自己的體驗。遊戲擁有相當多的賽道,全部基於該系列的標誌性地點,以及玩家可以根據自己的喜好自訂的許多卡丁車。

玩家可以在這些球場上飛馳,並收集能量提升,這要么增強他們的能力,要么阻礙對手。任何在最後一秒被藍色砲彈擊中的人都會告訴你,這款遊戲肯定會樹敵。正是這種競爭性,讓這款遊戲變得如此受歡迎。此外,遊戲內容非常豐富,您可以參加多個錦標賽,稱為杯賽。所有這些元素使 馬里奧賽車豪華8 您可以擁有的最佳體驗之一 馬里奧 特許經營權 任天堂開關.

1. 超級馬里奧奧德賽

超級馬里奧奧德賽 - Nintendo Switch 演示 2017 預告片

超級馬里奧奧德賽  馬里奧 代表作。遊戲允許玩家擁有其他角色並吸收他們的力量。這是透過 Cappy 機製完成的,Cappy 是一頂有感知能力的帽子, 馬里奧 穿著。這款遊戲的一切,從關卡設計到 Boss 機制和其他設計決策,都結合在一起構成了一部傑作 馬里奧 遊戲玩法。世界上有許多不同的敵人 馬里奧的 帽子可以擁有。這為遊戲玩法增添了相當多的多樣性,甚至還融入了一些謎題元素供玩家享受。

簡而言之,這款遊戲被譽為最好的遊戲之一是有原因的 馬里奧 遊戲。那隻是因為它就是這樣。從世界的呈現方式到遊戲本身,一切都表明了我們致力於為玩家帶來最佳體驗的承諾。雖然有些人可能認為新機制是一種風險,但許多人認為這是值得嘗試的。所以如果你還沒玩過 馬里奧 遊戲在相當長的一段時間裡, 絕對給 超級馬里奧奧德賽 一槍。

那麼,您對我們選出的 Nintendo Switch 上 5 款最佳馬裡奧遊戲有何看法?讓我們了解我們的社群媒體 請點擊這裡 或在下面的評論中。


賈德森·霍利是一位作家,他的職業生涯始於代筆作家。返回凡人,在生者中工作。他最喜歡的一些遊戲是戰術 FPS 遊戲,例如 Squad 和 Arma 系列。儘管這與事實相差甚遠,因為他喜歡有深度故事的遊戲,例如《王國之心》系列以及《翡翠帝國》和《舊共和國武士》系列。當賈德森不照顧妻子時,他經常照顧他的貓。他也具有音樂天賦,主要是作曲和彈奏鋼琴。