存根 10 Best SNES Games on Nintendo Switch Online (May 2024) - Gaming.net


Nintendo Switch Online 上 10 款最佳 SNES 遊戲(2024 年 XNUMX 月)

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Nintendo Switch Online 上的 SNES 遊戲

超級任天堂娛樂系統 (SNES) 震撼了 16 位元遊戲時代,如今有大量遊戲可供選擇。透過 Nintendo Switch Online,您可以體驗 SNES 時代最好的復古遊戲。事實上,任天堂已經超越了自己,今天提供了近 60 款可以在 Switch 上啟動的 SNES 遊戲。在我們能找到的 SNES 遊戲中,以下是 Nintendo Switch Online 上值得您花時間的最佳 SNES 遊戲。


超級瑪利歐世界 2 耀西島 SNES 廣告 - 復古遊戲預告片

超級馬里奧世界2:耀西島 拿起其中, Super Mario World left off, building up on mechanics and gameplay that still thrills the masses to this day. The sequel, though more accurately, the prequel to 超級馬里奧世界, stars Yoshi and his clan. Your job is to rescue baby Mario and ferry him across Yoshi’s island. While most Mario games feature a barebones story, 超級馬里奧世界2:耀西島 pokes at quite mature themes. It provokes thoughts about early parenthood and the hurdles that come with it.


歡迎來到 EarthBound - Nintendo Switch Online

你可以玩 地縛 instead, a JRPG that features a group of kids whose job it is to save the world from evil. You embark on a wild adventure, which, at the time of release, pushed the boundaries of storytelling. The story explores deeply mature themes, including encountering a neighbor who is forced to live with abusive parents on your adventures and, further down the road, a corrupt business and government, and much more. Even though the narrative starts with investigating a meteorite crash nearby, it soon expands into a full-blown, compelling story worth checking out.

8。 超級馬里奧世界

超級瑪利歐世界 - 官方預告片

超級馬里奧世界 remains the better counterpart, at least compared to the sequel. It’s the game that introduces us to Mario the plumber and his never-ending, albeit always the same, adventures of rescuing Princess Peach from Bowser. To some gamers, 超級馬里奧世界 is one of the greatest video games ever created. It’s simply that good, with 2D action-adventure sequences that deeply immerse you into Mario and Luigi’s first escapade.

7。 塞爾達傳說:與過去的聯繫

薩爾達傳說:眾神的三角力量 SNES 廣告 - 復古遊戲預告片

今天, 塞爾達傳說 franchise has evolved, incorporating vast landscapes and in-depth customization. However, the series has its roots in the ‘90s era, with 塞爾達傳說:與過去的聯繫 作為 the best the classics have to offer. While 過去的鏈接 is the third entry in the series, it still features stunning, vibrant, and colorful graphics. Its gameplay plays seamlessly well, immersing you in a wild adventure through Hyrule. You won’t find huge complexities in the story. However, the solid game design and clever puzzles are enough to make you want to return for more.


超級銀河戰士 SNES 廣告 - 復古遊戲預告片

超級銀河戰士’s story is rather sheepish. A group of criminal space pirates steal the last remaining metroid. So, you’re called upon to put a stop to their crime. Taking on the role of bounty hunter Samus Aran, you’ll equip exciting abilities and weapons, travel through the planet Zebes, fight enemies, and prepare for the final boss fight against a supercomputer. 超級銀河戰士 quickly becomes chaotic as you evade enemy fire and fireback attacks through twisted passageways. Its missions are varied and keep you on your toes throughout.


超級一拳出擊!預告片 1994

Knocking out opponents in the confines of a boxing ring is always fun. And while today, you’ll likely find better counterparts, 超級沖床 was the OG boxing game in the ‘90s. It features a “behind the back” perspective, which breaks the nostalgia dam right out of the gate. You also access the usual boxing moves, from uppercuts to super punches and devastating hooks. The goal is to knock out your opponent in under three minutes, with the freedom to increase speed and unleash stronger punches once the meter is full.


超級瑪利歐賽車 SNES 預告片

Kart racing seems like an everyday concept now. However, the concept only came to earn recognition in gaming, thanks to 超級馬里奧卡丁車. Upon launch, you’d enjoy a good variety of racing tracks, skidding past opponents at blistering speeds. Further, you can switch characters from an exciting roster, as well as game modes, from time trials to online play.


任天堂 3DS - 星際火狐 64 3D E3 預告片

Here’s your chance to jump back into the Arwing and dust off your flying skills. 星福克斯64的 returns, with the same crew from the ‘90s almost always dishing out banter and entertaining stories. You’ll take on enemy forces, shooting at enemies and performing slick maneuvers to evade incoming fire. Besides combat and flying, 星福克斯64的 also features immersive exploration. You discover new planets, unraveling hidden secrets, and leveling up your spaceship’s capabilities.


Wii - 卡比夢境 3 預告片 - 虛擬主機

Among the retro platforming gurus is Kirby, with 卡比的夢境3 arguably the best from the series. You explore Planet Popstar, running and jumping through obstacles to save your home from a mysterious dark cloud. 卡比的夢境3 boasts an invigorating art style. It’s also the game where Kirby has the best look.

1。 大金剛國家

《大金剛》鄉村預告片 1994

Fans of platforming, though, will probably find the 金剛 trilogy more worthwhile. It packs a chockful of content to maul over, with each entry in the trilogy improving on its predecessor’s mechanics and overall gameplay. It’s also aged well, maintaining impressive visuals and accompanying music. Plus, while challenging, level design and obstacles remain fair. As a result, 金剛 became the start of a great platformer series. Before 金剛, Donkey Kong was only Mario’s sidekick. After the trilogy, though, the fictional gorilla quickly became a fan-favorite mascot deserving of his own franchise.

那麼,你怎麼看?您同意我們的前五名嗎?您認為 Nintendo Switch Online 上最好的 SNES 遊戲是什麼?請在下面的評論中或在我們的社交媒體上告訴我們 請點擊這裡!

埃文斯·卡蘭賈 (Evans I. Karanja) 是一位自由撰稿人,喜歡撰寫有關技術的任何內容。他總是在尋找有趣的話題,並喜歡撰寫有關視頻遊戲、加密貨幣和區塊鏈等的文章。不寫作時,他會玩電子遊戲或觀看 F1。