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Best Players in Super Mega Baseball 4



Best Players in Super Mega Baseball 4

Gewinnen an den Super Mega Baseball largely depends on your players’ skills, traits, and stats. Ideally, a team with good players can always beat one with bad players any day. Interestingly, Super Mega Baseball 4 comes with two new features that highlight the importance of players’ standings: Shuffle Draft mode and over 200 new players based on real-life MLB legends.

Some of the fictitious players in Super Mega Baseball are impressive. Moreover, the 200 real-life MLB players in the latest version can leave you spoiled for choice. So, which are the best players in Super Mega Baseball 4? Here is an overview of five players who stand out from the rest.

5. Nolan Ryan

Nolan Ryan

Nolan Ryan starts off the list, thanks to the digital character’s impressive stats and the real player’s legendary performance. Notably, the SMB Nolan Ryan is as good as the real deal, with 99 and 98 Velocity and Junk ratings, respectively. Unsurprisingly, he is categorized as an A-Tier legend in SMB4.

Besides the standard stats, Nolan Ryan’s traits also improve his performance in the game. For example, “Elite 4F” increases his speed when pitching a 4-seam fastball. Additionally, “K Collector” also boosts velocity and junk ratings when pitching a 2-strike court.

The real Nolan Ryan ranks among the best pitchers of all time because of his exemplary performance. Most notably, he boasts of more no-hitters and strikeouts than all other pitchers in the game’s history, an impressive record.

Moreover, Nolan Ryan was the first pitcher to break Walter Johnson’s record of 3,508 strikeouts in 1983, which had remained unbeaten since 1927. Interestingly, selling Nolan Ryan to the California Angels was the worst deal for the New York Mets. Overall, he throws some of the fastest and hardest balls to catch, both in the game and in real life.

4. Mike Schmidt

Michael Schmidt

Besides a pitcher, you also need a good third baseman for a complete team. Mike Schmidt is one of the best third basemen in Super Mega Baseball 4 und im wirklichen Leben.

Mike Schmidt has impressive stats in KMU 4, including 96 Power and Arm, 98 Field, and 79 Speed. Overall, the stats reflect his power and performance in real life, considering that home runs were his calling card at the plate. However, he only has 54 Contacts, which is disappointing but doesn’t matter much considering the other stats.

Notably, Mike Schmidt joined the Major Leagues in 1972 and started leading the league in home runs by 1974. Overall, he had recorded 548 home runs and led the National League in home runs eight times by the conclusion of his awe-inspiring career. It is also worth noting that his defensive skills were impressive enough to earn him ten Gold Gloves throughout his career.

Besides his remarkable stats, Mike Schmidt also has some handy traits in KMU 4. Most notably, his “Magic Hands” trait reduces his likelihood of missing a catch when running, sliding, and jumping by 12.5%, 25%, and 50%, respectively. Moreover, his “Clutch” trait improves his performance when playing under high or extreme pressure.

3. Hank Aaron

Hank Aaron

Hank Aaron comes in third on the list with an A+ rank and impressive stats across the board. Notably, he has 98 Contact, 99 Power, and 87 Arm stats. However, his speed stats are somewhat disappointing, but that doesn’t matter because most of the balls you hit will fly out of the field.

Hank Aaron’s A+ rank in Super Mega Baseball 4 is well-deserved, considering the real-life player’s impressive records. Notably, he broke batting records set by some of the MLB’s greatest legends, including Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth. For example, he became the new home run champion of all time in 1974, replacing Babe Ruth as the Major League Baseball career home run leader. To this end, many fans credit him for integrating the game with the nation, considering the odds he overcame during his career.

It is worth noting that Hank Aaron is right-handed for bats and throws. Interestingly, his “POW vs. LHP” trait in KMU 4 increases his power by ten points when batting against a left-handed player.

2. Baby Ruth

Babe Ruth

Babe Ruth is one of the most versatile players in Super Mega Baseball 4, as he can play as a pitcher or hitter. To this end, he is ranked as an S-Tier legend, making him one of the most valuable players to have on your team. Unsurprisingly, Babe Ruth is also crowned MLB’s greatest player of all time in real life.

Babe Ruth’s pitching stats in SMB 4 stand at 86 Junk, 67 Velocity, and 58 Accuracy. At a glance, these aren’t the most impressive stats for the game’s pitchers, and there are stronger pitchers. However, his high Junk rating enables him to throw tricky curve balls, which is the secret behind his success. Notably, Babe Ruth used his pitching prowess to lead the Red Sox to three World Series championships during his early career.

However, Babe Ruth performs even better as a hitter, thanks to his 96 Contact and 99 Power stats. Moreover, his “Volatile” trait changes his mojo, making him even better, while the “Two Way” trait reduces his fielding penalty. Overall, he is a handy player to have on your team.

1. Randy Johnson

Randy Johnson:

Overall, Randy Johnson is the best legend in Super Mega Baseball 4. Moreover, he is one of the MLB’s greatest pitchers and general players of all time, with five career Cy Young Awards in the National and American Leagues to show for it.

Randy Johnson is ranked as an S-Tier legend because of his versatility, the same as Babe Ruth. His stats are impressive, set at 98 Velocity, 86 Junk, and 74 Accuracy. To this end, he can throw a tricky curve ball with great power, giving him an advantage over the best batters. Moreover, his “K Collector” trait increases his Velocity and Junk when pitching with a 2-strike court, making his curve balls even faster, stronger, and trickier.

So, what’s your take on our picks for the best players in Super Mega Baseball 4? Let us know over on our socials hier oder unten in den Kommentaren. 

Cynthia Wambui ist eine Spielerin, die ein Händchen für das Schreiben von Videospielinhalten hat. Die Kombination von Worten, um eines meiner größten Interessen auszudrücken, hält mich über trendige Gaming-Themen auf dem Laufenden. Neben Spielen und Schreiben ist Cynthia ein Technik-Nerd und Programmier-Enthusiastin.