Immersion Corporation, the renowned haptic feedback company, has set its sights on Valve, accusing the tech giant of infringing its patents with several of its gaming...
During the CS:GO ESL Pro League Season 17 playoff action, Valve dropped the curtain on their most anticipated successor yet, Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). That's right, the...
Valve effectively broke the internet when they lifted the curtains on Counter-Strike 2. Though it had been rumored for a while, there was no concrete source...
Valve has officially announced Counter-Strike 2, and even provided a release window for the Summer of 2023 This was certainly a pleasant surprise. But, in the...
As technology is continually getting more advanced day by day, we are starting to see the gaming world open up with not only how well games...
Popularly known for its abbreviation, Defense of the Ancients, has its greatest popularity in Asia, Europe and North America. In addition, it has a robust competitive...