The roguelike genre has become a favorite in the gaming world, known for its unique mix of unpredictability, challenge, and reward. Each time you play, these...
The First Descendant is a thrilling third-person looter shooter. Players become Descendants, humanity's last hope, each with unique abilities for solo or four-player co-op missions. The...
Action-Roguelike title Rabbit and Steel is celebrating its release. This game not only takes a noticeably stylized approach to the action-roguelike genre, but its core mechanics...
The roguelike genre is known for its tough, ever-changing gameplay, where each defeat means starting from scratch. It blends unpredictability with the thrill of mastering difficult...
Cooperative shooters are an absolute blast to play with friends. These games often feature a simple yet wonderfully replayable gameplay loop that is fantastic for long...
Vellum is a cooperative action-roguelike title that allows players to sling spells together. In action-roguelike titles, or roguelike titles in general, players can team up with...
Looter shooter games have become a big hit on PC, mixing exciting gun battles with the fun of finding new and better gear. These games are...
Risk of Rain is a hugely popular indie game that's won over gamers with its mix of action, strategy, and randomly generated levels. But even the...
Games like Dead Cells allow players to test their limits. These games often have grueling difficulty levels, making the reward all the more sweet upon completion....
Ember Knights showcased just how much fun action roguelike and roguelite games can be when paired with a couple of friends. Running through levels and defeating...
Endless Dungeon is an upcoming tactical rogue-lite game that appears to be very promising. The game offers gameplay reminiscent of many rogue-lites, with a few personal...
The world of VR games is expanding rapidly with the advent of better technology on the horizon. That being said, games like Hellsweeper VR allow for players...
ArcRunner is a game in which players will participate in fast-paced rogue-lite combat. All drenched in a warm and gorgeous cyberpunk style. There are many options...
.Deep Rock Galactic is a game that heavily emphasizes teamwork among your team. The cooperative mining game has four different classes to choose from that all...
Ravenbound is an upcoming action role-playing game with many different open-world elements. Pulling much of its inspiration from Scandinavian lore, this title appears to be really...