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League of Legends: Patch Notes 10.15 is available

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With a welcome to the Florescer Espiritual festival, Riot Games released Patch Notes 10.15 of League of Legends. The greeting refers to the arrival of Lillia, new MOBA champion and star of the patch. Along with the return of the Nexus Blitz mode, this time in an “ethereal kingdom full of magic and flowers”. Among the highlights in balancing champions, Swain benefited the most.

Lillia is the new champion of League of Legends in this Patch Notes 10.15. (Imagem: Riot Games)

As part of the Update theme due to Lillia's arrival, six new skins will be implemented in the games. All these skins with the theme Spiritual Blossom. Lillia, Thresh, Vayne, Yasuo and Teemo will receive the skins. Teemo was chosen by Riot to also win the prestigious edition of the theme.

Major changes


It is the second recent nerf that the champion suffers. (Imagem: Riot Games)

Recently modified, Aphelios remains one of the top marksmen in the finish line. That's what Riot intends to stop with the changes in Crescendum and Infernum in this Update. Crescendum had Atalaia's activation radius decreased from 575 to 500 and activation time increased from 0.25 to 0.35 seconds to attack targets within range.

Infernum, on the other hand, had several adjustments related to the item Runaan's Hurricane, such as the decrease in the count of projectiles in area. With critical accuracy and the size of these projectiles. The Runaan's projectiles also failed to damage all enemies they pass through.


Skarner was one of those who was buffed in League of Legends Patch Notes 10.15. (Image: Riot Games)

With few appearances in both the casual and the competitive scene, Skarner received some adjustments in two abilities: Crystal Cut (Q) and Fracture (E). Your Q's damage multiplier is fixed at 15% of the champion's total attack damage. Plus 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3% of the target's maximum health. The additional damage multiplier was also adjusted and increased by 0.3 ability power.

In addition, the duration of the effect increased by one second, increased from 4 to 5 seconds and had a mana cost set at 15. The previous value was 10/11/12/13/14 mana. In its E, the interaction that caused the projectile to stop slowing after hitting an enemy was removed.


Swain was the champion was the most modified of the patch. (Image: Riot Games)

Riot's focus among the modified champions, Swain received several buffs. With the justification of “enhancing its presence in the middle route, in the lower route and as a support” according to the developer.

  • Hunger Pack (Passive): cooldown set at 10 seconds and now climbs with cooldown reduction items; removed the interaction in which Swain's crows fail to restore mana.
  • Hand of Death (Q): cooldown decreased by one second, from 10 / 8.5 / 7 / 5.5 / 4 to 9 / 7.5 / 6 / 4.5 / 3 seconds; lightning angle has gone from 10 to 8 degrees and now cross champions.
  • Vision of the Empire (W): considerable increase in skill range, increased from 3500 to 5500/6000/6500/7000/7500; damage and mana cost decreased, the first went from 100/150/200/250/300 to 80/120/160/200/240 damage and the second was from 70/85/100/115/130 to 70/80 / 90/100/110 mana.
  • Nuncamova (E): cooldown set at 10 seconds and mana cost set at 50.

All changes

  • Caitlyn: increased attack damage from 62 to 64 and base movement speed from 325 to 330.
  • Fiddlesticks: decrease in healing received by troops in Colheita Farta (W); went from 25% to 15% cure.
  • Gragas: increase of 0.1 in the Drinking Fury (W) and Explosive Barrel (R) damage multiplier.
  • Irelia: increase from 12% (60% at levels 1/7/13) to 6% (40/60/80% at levels 1/7/13) in the additional attack speed due to passive accumulations at the last level.
  • Lee Sin: increase from 12s to 14s in the Protect (W) cooldown.
  • Ornn: base armor decreased from 36 to 33.
  • Rakan: passive recharge time reduced in the last levels; went from 40s – 16s (levels 1 to 17) (reduced by 3s every 2 levels, limit at level 17) to 40s – 14.5s (levels 1 to 18).
  • Shen: increase in the passive shield value; went from 50 – 101 (levels 1 to 18) to 70 – 121 (levels 1-18).
  • Thresh: increased Dark Passage (W) cooldown; was from 22 / 19.5 / 17 / 14.5 / 12s to 22 / 20.5 / 19 / 17.5 / 16s.
  • Twisted Fate: Choose One Card (W) has increased cooldown on the first level and now scales – 8 / 7.5 / 7 / 6.5 / 6 seconds.
  • Yuumi: reduced mana restoration and passive cooldown; the mana restoration went from 50 – 160 (levels 1 to 18) to 25 – 100 (+ 8% of maximum mana) (levels 1 to 18), while the cooldown was 20s – 8s (levels 1 to 18) for 18s – 6s (levels 1 to 18).

Other adjustments, items and runes

  • Visual effects: Ahri and Udyr received new visual effects in this Update.
  • Shard of True Ice: increase of 5 ability power; went from 45 to 50 of skill power.
  • Arcane Thief's Edge: 25% increase in base mana regeneration.
  • Cold Fangs: 25% increase in base mana regeneration.

Brazilian, 23 years old, I follow eSports since 2010 with a good experience in Counter Strike Global Offensive, Fortnite, League of Legends and Valorant with articles and news published in the electronic sports scene.