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Attaque d'armure : tout ce que nous savons

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robotic cars fighting in Armor Attack

You can be anything you want to be in gaming, even mech-powered suits shooting lasers out of mechanical arms and legs. Attaque d'armure brings back all-out mech warfare in all the best ways possible. It features tanks, robots, aliens on wheels—you name it. Raging fire. Raging war. Can you win over your opponents in time? To prepare, check out everything we know about Attaque d'armure down below, including the release date, gameplay, platforms and more.

What is Armor Attack?

robotic cars fighting in Armor Attack

Attaque d'armure is an upcoming tactical crossplay sci-fi vehicle-based shooter currently in development by KFK Entertainment. It takes players out to a full-on battlefield brimming with all kinds of mech vehicles and technologies. The game will also constantly change its maps, so you never quite know what to expect. All along, you’ll be duking it out with opponents to test and crown King the greatest mech player of all. 

Players will control different types of mech vehicles, big and small. From two-wheelers to quadruple machines, you’ll take charge of familiar and alien robots and tanks. Being multiplayer, you’ll team up with friends and control an elite squad against opponents online. To win, you’ll need to execute meticulously planned battle strategies across tactical maps. With unique skills and exotic weapons to boot, you’ll set up traps and lay ambush wars to corner enemies and lay waste to their troops.


tankers shooting

While we don’t quite know the exact story Attaque d'armure will focus on, we do know it’ll center around battle machines in an all-out war. What’s all the fuss about, you ask? Well, three opposing factions are all vying for control over a desolate Earth. It’s been ‘decades of war and social upheaval.’ Now, as the battle culminates in an epic showdown, the question becomes which of the Bastion, Hermits, or Empyreals factions will have the honor of reinstating the new world order.

Each faction will be fighting for a different cause. They’ll each have varied playstyles to boot. While we don’t know much else about the factions, like their origin stories, we do know they’ll have a vital role to play in shaping Attaque d'armuredu monde. Attaque d'armure is currently out on the Steam store page. Check out the full story description down below.

In Armor Attack, the future of society lies in the hands of three opposing factions who are fighting to gain control over what’s left on Earth after decades of war and social upheaval. Bastion, protecting the Old World; Hermits, who want to evolve life on Earth and establish a new order of things; and the Empyreals, who decided to build a new hub for the people outside of their home planet. Each faction has its own playstyle and unique visual design to give players a choice of how to fit their tactical and shooting skills into the actual gameplay.


A giant robot shooting down in Armor Attack

Attaque d'armure’s focal point is battle machines. It takes players on an uphill climb to customize their chosen machines in preparation to complete specific combat objectives. Specifically, you’ll have a pool of battle machines to choose from. Each will have varying strengths and weaknesses. It’s up to you to experiment with each machine’s controls, mobility, speed, positioning, and more to find the perfect one for you.

Depending on a machine’s abilities, your job will be to find clever ways to cut corners. Say, using AoE deadly attacks to carve an escape route for your allies. Or put up obstacles to foil the enemy’s plans. You can even block enemies in narrow corridors, turn invincible at opportune moments of war, or perch atop tall buildings to lay the perfect plan. 

Furthermore, you’ll access exotic weapons that further help craft unique playstyles. These weapons will sync with machines and environments. They’ll also come in handy when navigating obstacles and exploring your unique abilities. By combining abilities, machines, and weapons, you should carve out a unique playstyle that evolves with the increasingly challenging combat objectives.

Perhaps the game changer will be the ever-evolving maps of the game. You’ll tinker around with moving platforms and flanks while jumping to high ground to evade attack. Depending on the map, you can craft cunning vantage points or deal with AI-controlled bosses in unique ways.

Selon Steam, Attaque d'armure mettra en vedette “5v5 intense but slow-paced gameplay in an evolving realistic environment where you can build your winning strategy at any range, with any unit class, and with any weapon. » Whichever way it unfolds in the final game, Attaque d'armure seems to be shaping up to become the next internet gaming sensation among mech fans. 


two green robots shooting on a red robot vehicle

Developer KEK Entertainment is currently working on developing and publishing Attaque d'armure sometime soon. KEK Entertainment CEO and Co-Founder George Egorove has been vocal about development so far, saying, “As gamers ourselves, we always wondered why there were not more opportunities to experience the same quality play with friends across all types of gaming platforms. So, we are making our own ultimate mecha shooter experience for friends to enjoy across PC, mobile, and consoles without sacrificing caliber.”

Bande annonce

Armor Attack - Official Gameplay Trailer

Le fonctionnaire Attaque d'armure teaser trailer is out now and is pretty detailed, too. Check out some of the mechs you can expect to see in the final game above. The trailer looks slick. One only hopes the final game delivers on the hype.

Date de sortie, plateformes et éditions

white robot shooting on a rover

Unfortunately, we’re not quite sure when Attaque d'armure will hit the stands. Steam says the game is ‘coming soon,’ with no specific release date to look forward to. We can confirm, though, that the game will launch on iOS, Android, and PC platforms, with crossplay functionality enabled. So you’ll be able to compete across multiple platforms. No editions have been confirmed yet. Feel free to follow KEK Entertainment’s official social handle ici for future updates on Attaque d'armure. We’ll also keep our eyes peeled for more information and let you know as soon as it comes up.

So, what’s your take? Will you be grabbing a copy of Armor Attack as soon as it drops? Let us know over on our socials ici.

Evans I. Karanja est un écrivain indépendant qui aime écrire sur tout ce qui concerne la technologie. Il est toujours à la recherche de sujets intéressants et aime écrire sur les jeux vidéo, la crypto-monnaie et la blockchain, etc. Lorsqu'il n'écrit pas, on peut le trouver en train de jouer à des jeux vidéo ou de regarder la F1.